China News Service, July 17th, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology website, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the relevant units for the first time in response to the issue of SDK violations of collecting user personal information reported on the CCTV broadcast "3·15" party on July 16. Seriously check and severely investigate and deal with the enterprises involved in accordance with laws and regulations.

  The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has mainly taken three measures:

  The first is to immediately organize the Beijing and Shanghai Communications Administration to verify and deal with the two SDK companies involved, Beijing Zhaocai Wangwang Information Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Krypton Information Technology Co., Ltd.

  The second is to immediately organize a third-party testing agency to perform technical testing on the more than 50 APPs exposed using the above two SDKs, and start the delisting process for the APPs that have problems.

  The third is to immediately start the application store linkage disposal mechanism, instructing Ali, Tencent, Baidu, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, 360 and other major domestic application stores to conduct a "carpet-style" investigation of similar problems as soon as possible, and to find the problem first. It will be removed from the site at the same time, and at the same time, the application store will be required to promptly notify the APP operating developers to conduct self-examination and self-correction, and promptly discover and handle the SDK that collects user personal information in violation of regulations.

  Since the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a special rectification action on APP infringement of user rights in November last year, it has tested more than 80,000 APPs, promoted self-examination and rectification of more than 8,000 APPs, and issued rectification letters to 478 companies with problems. Initial results have been achieved, but there are still situations where the responsibility of some corporate entities is not in place.

  In the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take normal supervision measures to strengthen the comprehensive management of mobile Internet application APP. Gather industrial strength, promote the construction of technical means, and greatly improve the level of technical testing. Strengthen supervision and inspection, increase the handling and exposure of various violations, investigate and deal with violations such as the collection and use of user personal information without the user's consent, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of users.