The collective background of rural collectives in the country is clear (economic focus)

  The total area of ​​rural collective land is 6.55 billion mu, and the book assets are 6.5 trillion yuan

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  The collective background of rural collectives across the country has now been basically clarified. According to statistics, there are 6.55 billion mu of collective land in the country and 6.5 trillion yuan in book assets. Asset clearance and capital verification reflect the basic appearance of my country's rural collective assets and provide an important basis for further management and operation.

  This is the largest inventory after the reform and opening up, and has achieved many positive results-the ownership of the assets is more clear, a large number of idle village collective assets have been revitalized, which has promoted the preservation and appreciation of assets and will further standardize the collective asset management mechanism.

  Rural collective assets are valuable assets that hundreds of millions of farmers have worked hard and accumulated over time, and are the material basis for developing the rural economy and achieving common prosperity. According to the requirements of the "Opinions on Steady Advancement of the Reform of the Rural Collective Property Rights System" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, the Central Agricultural Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized and carried out nationwide collective asset clearing and capital verification work since 2017. After 3 years, the current work has been basically completed.

  The total number of rural collective households in the country is huge, and the geographical distribution shows a "6, 2, 2" pattern

  For a long time, rural collective assets in some places have had problems such as vacant property rights, unclear accounts, undisclosed distribution, and opaque management. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stated that comprehensively carrying out asset clearance and establishment of a collective asset management account is a basic work that must be done to promote the reform of the rural collective property rights system, and is also an objective requirement to protect farmers’ property rights and interests.

  "To carry out the top-level design of rural collective assets, we must first find out the bottom of the family, verify the identity of the collective members, and effectively guarantee the farmers' right to distribute income." said Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Rural Development Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

  Since 2017, the central and local governments have accumulatively allocated 2.67 billion yuan of special funds to ensure the smooth implementation of the production and capital verification of rural collective assets across the country. As of the end of 2019, 5,695 townships, 602,000 villages, and 2.385 million groups with collective rural assets across the country, totaling 2.992 million units, completed the online data submission of 120 million reports. The collective background of rural collectives in the country is basically clear, mainly manifested in the following characteristics:

  On the whole, the total assets are huge. The total area of ​​collective land in the country is 6.55 billion mu, and the book assets are 6.5 trillion yuan, of which 3.1 trillion yuan is operating assets, which is the main source of collective economic income; 3.4 trillion yuan is non-operating assets. There are more than 11,000 wholly-owned enterprises belonging to the collective, with total assets of 1.1 trillion yuan.

  In terms of structure, fixed assets account for nearly half. Fixed assets are 3.1 trillion yuan, of which 2/3 are non-operating fixed assets used for public services such as education, science and technology, culture, and health.

  In terms of geographical distribution, rural collective assets generally have a "6, 2, 2" distribution pattern. The assets in the eastern region are 4.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 64.7% of the total assets. The assets in the central and western regions are roughly the same. In addition, more than 3/4 of assets are concentrated in 14% of villages.

  "Clearing assets and capital reflects the basic outlook of China's rural collective assets, which is an important basis for further management and operation in the future." Li Guoxiang said that in view of the uneven distribution of assets between regions and villages, it is recommended that rural collective assets Management and operation must be tailored to local conditions, classified guidance, and explore development paths suitable for different villages.

  "One pot of porridge" changed to "one account" to further standardize the collective asset management mechanism

  With the development of asset clearance and capital verification, the collective economy has achieved "strengthening." Many villages have incorporated fixed assets formed by financial projects invested in collective economic organizations in recent years into their accounts, cleared a batch of unfair economic contracts, written off a batch of claims and debts, revitalized a batch of idle assets, and enriched the collective economy Development path.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs introduced that the country’s rural collective asset clearance and capital verification is the largest inventory after the reform and opening up, basically achieved the expected goals, and achieved many positive results.

  The asset verification and verification verified the inventory, value and use of collective assets, clarified the ownership of assets, and basically realized the "final clearing of accounts". It is understood that the total amount of collective assets increased by 0.8 trillion yuan, or an increase of 14.2%, after the production and capital verification. Among them, fixed assets increased by nearly 750 billion yuan, mainly due to the non-operating fixed assets formed by financial projects invested by collective economic organizations in recent years. Many villagers said, "Clearing production and capital verification has turned the past "one pot congee" into the current "one account".

  In the past, a large number of idle village collective assets were rejuvenated, which promoted asset preservation and appreciation. All localities actively explored the development model of collective economy such as resource development, property leasing, rural tourism, and agricultural production, and innovated a new mechanism for collective economy operation. In Chongqing, 38 “three changes” pilot villages activated a total of 31,000 mu of collective land resources and 552 idle farm houses. In 2018, the average village collective operating income exceeded 100,000 yuan.

  In the process of asset clearance and capital verification, various regions have continuously improved the system of collective asset inventory, registration, custody, use, disposal, and periodic reporting to promote the standardization of collective asset management mechanisms. For example, Shanxi, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other provinces have formulated non-operating asset rights confirmation and management measures, focusing on the ownership of the property rights of the assets such as schools, roads, water conservancy facilities, management subjects and management responsibilities.

  "Managing and using collective assets well and preventing the loss of collective assets are related to the vital interests of farmers." The person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said. At present, the construction of the national rural collective asset supervision and management platform has been included in the "Digital Agricultural and Rural Development Plan (2019-2025)". Next, we will pay close attention to system development and construction, and promote the institutionalization and standardization of financial management of rural collective assets. Informatization, consolidate, utilize and develop the achievements of clearing assets and capital.

  Continue to promote the reform of the rural collective operating assets joint-stock cooperative system

  In 2016, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Steady Advancement of the Reform of the Rural Collective Property Rights System", which clearly stated that we should strive to basically complete the reform of the rural collective operating asset share cooperation system in about five years. This is another major rural reform after the reform of the rural land system.

  Li Guoxiang emphasized that on the basis of asset clearance and capital verification, through the construction of a reasonable property rights structure and giving full play to its advantages and effectiveness, a rural collective economic operation mechanism that meets the requirements of the market economy should be established to promote orderly asset management, effective management, and profitability. It is sustainable and provides development momentum for rural revitalization.

  In accordance with the principle of pilot first and orderly advancement, the country has successively organized four batches of reform pilots, instructing all localities to standardize the identification of members, the quantification of equity, the establishment of a sound organization, and the registration of codes on the basis of asset clearance and capital verification. . It is understood that as of the end of 2019, the central pilot units include 15 provinces, 89 prefectures, and 442 counties (cities, districts), and pilot units at all levels cover about 80% of counties across the country. In March of this year, the Central Agricultural Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued a notice inviting 13 non-whole province pilot provinces to fully implement reforms (Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang and other three provinces and cities basically completed the reform tasks). So far, the reform pilot has achieved full provincial coverage.

  At present, more than 410,000 villages across the country have completed the reform of the rural collective property rights system, with more than 600 million members confirmed. Some grass-roots cadres lamented that the reform has made the collective family background clear, who the members are, the relationship between the collective and the farmers, and the "red book" in the hands of the farmers has become a "red ticket." Real results of reforms.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that in the next step, the construction of rural collective economic organizations will be strengthened, relevant villages (groups) will be guided to exercise the ownership of collective assets in accordance with laws and regulations, and relevant policies and measures will be improved to strengthen the management and management capabilities of the responsible persons of collective economic organizations. Cultivate and improve. At the same time, it instructs local governments to strengthen village-level collective economic strength by revitalizing collective resources, investing in shares or participating in shares, and quantifying asset returns.

  Our reporter Yu Jingxian