The second phase of the National Private Enterprise Recruitment Month with over 560,000 jobs officially started!

  People's Daily Online, Beijing, July 8 (Meng Zhiliang) The National Private Enterprise Recruitment Month 2020 will launch the second phase of the industry special session. This industry special session will focus on college graduates. More than 7,400 companies will provide more than 560,000 jobs.

  Hunting, BOSS, and Zhilian will launch college graduate recruitment sessions, with more than 5,900 companies participating, providing nearly 440,000 jobs; Zhilian will launch education training recruitment sessions, with more than 500 companies participating, providing jobs of about 3.5 Ten thousand; WeChat will jointly launch a WeChat eco-recruitment session with Mermaid, Hunting, and 58 cities, with a total of nearly 1,000 companies participating and providing more than 60,000 jobs; Zhengbang Group will launch a "Zhengqingbang Growth" 2020 campus recruitment session Provide over 25,000 jobs for college graduates.

  Employers and job seekers can enter the main venue page through the China Public Recruitment Network (, or log in to public recruitment websites around the country to inquire about relevant information.