The obligatory souvenir of a vacation in Paris: the snow globe. (illustration) - THOMAS SAMSON / AFP

They want their minister! All tourism professionals are asking this Wednesday that their sector be "clearly identified" in the new government, recalling that it weighs some 8% of GDP and that it is particularly affected by the Covid epidemic. 19. Until then, within the team of Edouard Philippe, tourism was under the responsibility of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

Within the new Castex government, Franck Riester was appointed minister delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, responsible for foreign trade and attractiveness, on Monday. No other details were given on the exact perimeter that its portfolio includes. Secretaries of State are expected to be appointed next week to complete the government.

A world leader position to protect

"Professionals and organizations from across the industry are calling for tourism to be clearly identified in the new government by a minister dedicated to this sector," said a joint statement released on Wednesday. This text is signed by representatives of travel agencies (Travel Companies), tour operators (Seto), campsites (FNHPA), hotels (Umih, GNI, GNC), events (Unimev), leisure parks (Snelac) as well by organizations in the IFT, APST, Alliance France Tourisme, ADN Tourisme and CAT sectors.

“It is the sector most impacted in France by the Covid-19 health crisis. In addition, businesses in the tourism economy have a major social and societal role for the development and cohesion of all our territories as well as for the influence of our country, ”put forward professionals and professionals. They stress that the Tourism Sector Committee, led by Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, "has made it possible to mobilize and coordinate, effectively, actions and works, jointly between professionals and public authorities".

"In order to maintain our position as world leader and to better understand the major events, in particular future sports, we hope that the work undertaken can be continued and enriched following the recent ministerial reshuffle," indicate the actors and actresses of tourism.


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  • Minister
  • Tourism
  • Government
  • Economy