The Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud. - Jacques Witt

A little more convenience in the office. The government has lightened this Wednesday the deconfinement protocol in companies. This protocol takes into account a “significant improvement” in the health situation, but the Ministry of Labor invites in a press release not to “relax vigilance in the face of a persistent epidemic risk”.

It provides that respecting a distance of at least one meter between people becomes the norm and that "the 4 m2 gauge is now a simple tool which remains offered for information only". In the event of difficulty in respecting this distance of one meter, the wearing of a mask is compulsory for the employee.

Telework is no longer the norm

In addition, the employee wears a mask when he is brought into contact within one meter of a social group made up freely of people who do not wear a mask. Telework "is no longer the norm but it remains a preferred solution in the context of a gradual return to a more face-to-face activity, including alternating". People "at risk of severe form of Covid-19 who do not benefit from an isolation certificate must be able to telework or benefit from appropriate measures of reinforced protection".

The 90 guides developed during the confinement period "will no longer have any normative value", and will be replaced by a frequently asked questions "answering concrete questions from companies" on the ministry's website.


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  • Job
  • Business
  • Muriel Pénicaud
  • Coronavirus
  • Economy