The manager of a roofing company confides to Europe 1 her weariness in seeing health constraints encumber her activity, already strongly affected by confinement.

The ebb of the coronavirus epidemic continues, activity is gradually resuming its normal pace ... However, many sectors are dealing with health constraints imposed to limit the spread of the virus. This is the case for building craftsmen, who are obliged to respect strict standards when resuming their activity. Europe 1 received the cry of the heart of the manager of a roofing company.

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"Please, let us breathe": this is how we could sum up the call of Céline Coutant, who has co-directed with her brother for several years Alain Coutant Couverture, created by their father 34 years ago . Located in Mauléon, in Deux-Sèvres, the company employs 35 people and works for public authorities as well as for the private sector.

"Sleeping cash"

Exasperated, Céline Coutant today highlights the cumbersome measures that limit the presence of several trades on the same site. According to her, these measures lead to costly schedule extensions for her business: "We have the materials that are stored, so it's cash that sleeps. We have scaffolding that is on the construction sites, we have to leave it , so it's renting scaffolding that also sleeps. We are forced to double the bases of life on construction sites, to disinfect them many times a day, so here again it is up to companies to get their hands on the pocket."


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"We are left with very strong constraints"

To summarize, "we are being imposed very strong constraints and we are still being left with them now, while we are easing everywhere" in the face of an epidemic which is "under control", according to the Scientific Council. "So we're going to die in the end," says Céline Coutant.

According to her, the loss of production that her company suffers from all these constraints amounts to 10 to 15% of total activity. The manager would do well, after the complete cessation of work at the start of confinement and the gradual resumption of its sites from April.