
Today (8th), a heat wave warning was issued throughout the country. Today, the hottest year this year, first graders in middle school and fifth and sixth graders went to school for the first time in the new semester. As the opening of Corona was delayed, it was not until today that it was June 8th. On a hot day like this, I wish I could take off my mask as soon as possible and go to school comfortably, but I can't let go of it yet. More than 500 schools are still unable to open as the confirmers continue to emerge. First of all, let's look at the school situation today, and then let's find out the breaking news.

Reporter Han Ji-yeon.


I realize that I became a middle school student only when I arrived in front of the gate on the first day of school in summer uniform.

[Middle school 1st grade: I'm finally going to middle school... I didn't feel a little real, while coming... .] The

tight schedule of the exam, which has just arrived over three months later, is a burden.

[1st grade in middle school: I'm nervous that I'm not sure to see the diagnostic evaluation today.]

Elementary school students are still unfamiliar with the blind desk and the hand disinfection that they often have to do.

[Elementary school 5th grade: I wanted to come to a more difficult time to wait. It's amazing because I'm not used to it. (Prevention) like this... .]

The sequential schedule of elementary, middle and high schools nationwide for 19 days, starting with high school 3, has ended today.

However, parents are still confused as the days of attending school are fleeting as the principle of attendance is maintained for less than two-thirds of all gardens and less than one-third for metropolitan elementary and junior high schools.

[Primary 1st and 5th grade parents: Because the children are two, the days when both the smallest and the smallest children go are different, so it

is forgotten .] As the weather gets hot, there are concerns that the quarantine rules will be properly followed.

[Parents of junior high school students: There are a lot of student confirmers, so I think it's a little dangerous.]

There are 517 schools that have failed to attend today, 99% of which are metropolitan areas such as Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Incheon.

In the metropolitan area, the prevention of infection in schools, which is one of the most feared situations, has become a top priority for quarantine.

(Video coverage: Namseong Kim, Video editing: Hwanhee Won, VJ: Soyoung Shin)