Consumers spit drivers to raise prices on the ground, drivers are worried about low basic freight rates on the online platform, and customers' goods are excessive.
  Difficult to charge the order is difficult. Moving the driver is "a little annoying"
  . And rights protection

  Reading tips

  Nowadays, consumers are increasingly choosing to place orders on the online moving platform, but behind the convenience and quickness, there are more and more news of sky-high handling fees. In this regard, drivers are worried that the basic freight pricing of the platform is low, and they can only earn hard money from the transportation fee; while the original half-cargo is set, the customer can only add money when he fills the entire car. At the same time, the platform also has problems such as difficulty in obtaining orders and withholding deposits upon exit. In this regard, experts suggest that the platform should strengthen supervision and protect the rights and interests of online drivers.

  A few days ago, a topic of "cargo pulls less than two kilometers and charges 5,400 yuan" rushed to the hot search, causing widespread concern. The cargo Lala official responded by "removing the driver involved and refunding and compensating the user", but the discussion about the online moving service has not diminished. Why is there a frequent phenomenon of on-site starting prices and arbitrary charging for online relocation services? What about the situation of platform moving drivers? "Worker Daily" reporter conducted an interview and investigation.

  Fees are vague, consumers and drivers have their own hardships

  In response to this sky-high handling fee incident, many consumers have complained that they have encountered large and small "pits" on the online moving platform. The reporter searched on the online complaint platform and found that among the complaints against the online moving platform, the most common complaint by consumers is that the driver charges indiscriminately in private and adds money in disguise. "For example, the freight of 300 yuan according to the platform price can only be sent downstairs, and the driver has to add 200 yuan to move upstairs from the downstairs." Zhang Yu, who just moved from Beijing's South Fourth Ring Road to North Second Ring Road, voiced to reporters .

  Shandong Master Wang, who works as a driver for online transfers in Beijing, told reporters that the basic freight price platform has a unified standard, and the handling fee is generally discussed with the employer, and there is a vague charge. This makes the driver and the customer very upset. In the end both defeats hurt.

  Some consumers said that the platform lacks supervision of drivers and the service level of drivers varies. Sometimes they will encounter masters who raise prices, have bad attitudes and cancel orders halfway, and they will also encounter enthusiastic masters with fair prices.

  Moving platform cargo Lala once said that the transportation fee is the hardest hit by the dispute between the cargo owner and the driver. In 2018, the transportation fee pricing function was launched. The transportation fee is given based on the volume of the goods, the floor, the flat distance and other factors. With reference to the price, the cargo owner can choose to accept this standard, or choose to negotiate with the driver himself.

  Yang Li, an online-moving driver from Longhua County, Chengde, Hebei Province (the pseudonym was requested by the interviewee) told reporters that the platform freight pricing is too low than the market price. The drivers mainly make money by moving fees, and generally negotiate with users. You can cancel the order if you are satisfied. When it comes to the price of sitting on the ground, he believes, "Some customers said that when they placed an order, they said that there were very few things, and half of the boxes could not be loaded. In fact, if a whole box is to be installed, we will discuss the price with the customer according to the situation on the spot.

  Orders are hard to grab, pick up privately

  Master Xia, from his hometown of Bazhou, Hebei Province, has been an online-moving driver for two years in Beijing. He told reporters that there was a price war between online-moving platforms to seize the market and attract customers, which led to the compression of driver income. , Can only earn money by carrying costs. "Carrying fees are the bulk of the income of many drivers, and all they earn is hard money." Master Xia has settled on two platforms at the same time, which one is cost-effective to run.

  In addition, Master Xia also said that the major platforms now recruit drivers in large numbers, and their requirements and audits are not very strict. The reporter learned from the exchange group of Beijing Yiwang about the transfer platform that there are many novice drivers who have just registered, and many drivers feel that "there are too many monks, but they can't receive orders." A driver said, "This is not consistent with the customer service's claim at the time that there were too many orders to run."

  On the afternoon of May 30th, Yang Li just finished his transportation from Beijing Xizhimen to Beiyuan. This is his fourth order today. He hopes that the last order will "wait for the big one." On his platform, the driver’s monthly membership fee is divided into three levels. Different levels mean different orders, 199 yuan can receive 2 orders per day, 399 yuan can receive 5 orders per day, 699 yuan is not limited For the single amount, the information fee shall be paid at the rate of 15%. In addition to the limitation of the amount of orders, it is also necessary to fight for speed. Yang Li found that sometimes it is clear that the order has been snatched, but the system has been buffering. After a while, the order will be snatched by others.

  Some drivers are busy grabbing orders, and others take advantage of it. The reporter saw advertisements for selling single-handed devices in multiple driver communication groups. There are also some drivers who accept privately by handing business cards to their employers and adding WeChat.

  Drivers' rights and interests are difficult to protect, and industry development needs to be regulated

  The reporter found on the Internet complaint platform that in addition to consumer complaints about drivers arbitrarily adding money and poor service attitudes, there are also driver complaints and dissatisfaction with the platform. Their complaint issues are focused on deposit refunds, rejection rates, and car stickers advertisements on.

  Master Liu, who registered on a platform for less than a month, was about to withdraw due to Shan Shao and unable to grab a job. During the registration, he paid a total of 1699 yuan, including a deposit of 1,000 yuan, an activation fee of 300 yuan, and a membership fee of 399 yuan. Now the activation fee is non-refundable, and the security deposit is also deducted by 200 yuan." Master Liu said.

  Many drivers report that the platform’s “refusal rate” is too much attributable to the driver. Yang Li believes that “the customer’s cancellation of the order will also be liable to the driver and it is difficult to appeal”, while the rejection rate directly affects The driver's order acceptance rate.

  Qiu Baochang, president of the Beijing Law Society's E-Commerce Law Research Association and a member of the Expert Committee of the China Consumer Association, believes that according to the "E-commerce Law" and "Consumer Rights Protection Law" Relevant laws and regulations, if the platform fails to fulfill its security guarantee obligations or qualification review obligations, and the platform violates the rights and interests of consumers, the platform shall also bear responsibility according to law. "The platform should formulate corresponding rules, and the prices of operators who provide moving services on the platform should be open and transparent. Especially for the content of the services provided, the details and standards of the charges should be announced to consumers in advance. The platform can use payment technology to charge uniformly. It is strictly forbidden to charge indiscriminately in private. In addition, the regulatory department should strengthen effective supervision, consolidate the responsibility of the platform, and investigate and deal with illegal operators who damage the rights and interests of consumers according to law."

  Cao Rong, a researcher at the Labor Relations and Trade Union Research Center of the China Academy of Labor Relations, said that it is necessary to establish standardized and strict access standards for online-moving employees, and increase the review of qualifications. The platform should establish effective supervision of employees and unblock complaint channels. On the other hand, platforms such as online-moving drivers and other platform economic employment forms are different from general labor contract employment and part-time employment. "To effectively protect the rights and interests of employees, we should innovate the concept and system of labor laws, accelerate the revision and improvement of relevant laws and regulations, and actively Study how to organize its employees to join the conference and effectively protect their rights." Cao Rong said.

Tang Shu