An apprentice with the Compagnons du tour de France. (archives) - STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP

The government unveiled measures to support the hiring of apprentices on Thursday, the first stone of a plan on youth employment expected by mid-July to avoid a “sacrificed generation” in the job market. back to school work. While the hiring tap is closed and 700,000 to 800,000 young people have to enter the workforce in September, "we cannot have a generation sacrificed, young people will not be the adjustment factor for the crisis," argued Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud at the end of the meeting at the Elysée with the social partners.

If the government gives itself until the first half of July to develop its plan on youth employment, it has given priority to apprenticeship because "the decision to take an apprentice for the next school year is made now", as recalled the secretary general of the CPME Jean-Eudes Dumesnil. And without support measures, work-study participants feared a fall of 20 to 40% in the offers offered by companies at the start of the school year.

Expanded help

First decision: extended assistance for hiring of 8,000 euros for adults and majors and 5,000 euros for minors and minors for companies that will recruit an apprentice until February 28. While this aid, currently 4,125 euros, is currently reserved for companies with fewer than 250 employees and for diplomas at the level lower than or equal to the bac, the system will be extended up to the level of the professional license and to all companies, which will represent "an additional cost greater than one billion euros", according to the entourage of the minister.

Companies with more than 250 employees and salaried workers must, however, have more than 5% of work-study students in 2021. The first year of apprenticeship will therefore have a “practically zero cost” for a company that will recruit an apprentice or a apprentice up to 21 years old, according to Muriel Pénicaud. Between 21 and 25 years of age, this will represent a dependent expense of around 175 euros per month. To give young people more time to find a company with the crisis, they can stay up to six months in CFA (Apprenticeship Training Center) without contract, until the end of February, instead of the current three months.

Medef and unions tend to agree

The objective is, despite the crisis, to maintain the same level of apprenticeship contracts as in 2019 when 368,000 had been signed, a record jump of 16%. If this increase remained driven by higher education, learning had finally restarted, after a difficult decade in secondary school, from CAP to Bac Pro, a sign of a change of image among young people and their families.

The announcements of the executive go in the direction of the demands of the employers' organizations, the Medef having requested aid of 10,000 euros per apprentice. But the unions were also quite supportive. "There was a broad consensus to say that everything must be done to boost learning", argued Laurent Berger (CFDT) even if Philippe Martinez (CGT) deplored that "it is still aid to companies".


Summit meeting at the Elysée to discuss solutions to the economic crisis


Decrease in contracts and vocations… In a state of alert, learning suspended from announcements by the State

  • Covid 19
  • Youth employment
  • Youth
  • Learning
  • Coronavirus
  • Economy