
Recently, there have been stories of national employment insurance centered around the Blue House and passports, but there are many people around us who are already out of the safety net even though they are already subject to the employment insurance obligations required by law.

Reporter Hee-won Je met with them.

<Reporter> A

manufacturer of precious metals in Jongno, Seoul.

After 10 pm, the brightly lit workplace is busy.

Business owners reduce the number of working days by excusing the reduced order quantity and cut their monthly wages, forcing them to work overtime every day they work.

Because of the long-standing practice of comprehensive wages, I can't even dream of working overtime.

[Mr. A / 30 year handworker: I'm afraid I will be disadvantaged (I can't talk). Even if the environment is not good.]

Although it is a business that requires mandatory employment insurance, the four major insurance policies, such as employment insurance, are another country.

[Mr. A / 30 year handworker: The scariest part of us is the part of employment. (Business owners) 'It is a burden. If you're unhappy, go out. ']

Jongno, Seoul, is home to a collection of jewelry manufacturers.

Most of them are small businesses with around 10 people, but 7 out of 10 workers working here are not covered by employment insurance.

As a result, it is difficult to expect government support such as employment maintenance subsidies, and it is more vulnerable to threats of leave or layoffs.

[Chul / Seoul Labor Rights Center policy director: substantially (Employment Insurance) because of Does not join, even though Join to'm a situation where getting paradoxically more excluded]

Seoul Jongno middle of the 70's working environment is intact, but the government out of concern is.

[Kim Jeong-bong / Jeong-Jun Lee, Chairman of Metallic Union Jewelry: The Ministry of Employment and Labor does not actually impose sanctions on this (no employment insurance). So the blind spot continues to spread ... .]

Although there is vigorous debate to expand the scope of employment insurance coverage for special employment workers, etc., attention must be given to workers who are subject to mandatory employment but are neglected.

(Video coverage: Hojun Choi, Video editing: Jongwoo Kim, VJ: Seungmin Han)