Sino-Singapore Online Newsletter, April 21 (Shen Hai, Zheng Yingying) The Shanghai Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference on the 21st to introduce that the "Regulations on Promoting the Construction of Science and Technology Innovation Centers in Shanghai" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") will be officially implemented from May 1. ).

  In response to related questions, Li Jun, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau, said that since the opening of the Science and Technology Board on July 22 last year, the overall operation has been stable. As of April 20, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has received a total of 248 companies, including 41 in Shanghai, ranking first in the country with Beijing; from the perspective of industry distribution, there are 95 new-generation information technology, 53 biomedicine, 53 high-end equipment, and new materials 29, 12 energy saving and environmental protection, 6 new energy. There are 98 listed companies, including 16 in Shanghai, ranking fourth in the country (17 each in Beijing, Jiangsu and Guangdong). Science and technology board companies have raised a total of 116.6 billion yuan, of which Shanghai companies raised 20.9 billion yuan.

  Li Jun said that the "Regulations" proposed to support eligible companies to carry out activities such as listing, issuing bonds, mergers and acquisitions, refinancing and other activities in multi-level capital markets, and actively encourage qualified companies to list on the Science and Technology Board. The bureau will strengthen the incubation and cultivation of science and technology enterprises in Shanghai with the implementation of the relevant documents of the "Pujiang Light" action ("Implementation Opinions on Emphasizing the Role of the Capital Market to Promote the High-Quality Development of Science and Technology Enterprises in this City"). Genesis continues to deliver high-quality resources.

  In order to increase the financing support for science and technology startups, the "Regulations" also proposes to encourage commercial banks to establish a special organization, risk control and incentive assessment system, carry out financing service innovation, strengthen the construction of financing service platforms and other requirements; encourage insurance institutions to Technological innovation enterprises provide insurance protection and provide financial support for the construction of technological infrastructure and technological innovation activities. Recently, Shanghai has relied on the “One Netcom Office” platform of the Shanghai Big Data Center to launch the big data inclusive financial application. At present, 18 banks have been online to provide services, and the “big data + bank + guarantee” unsecured financing service model has been launched. In order to facilitate various enterprises to handle the registration of movable property guarantees, the nationwide pilot project on unified registration of movable property guarantees was launched. Insurance institutions in Shanghai actively promoted the first (set) major technical equipment insurance, biomedical research and development related liability insurance, and patent comprehensive insurance.

  "The next step, we will follow the relevant requirements of the" Regulations ", combined with the implementation of the" Pujiang Light "action, take multiple measures and support the city's science and technology enterprises to grow bigger and stronger." Li Jun said. (Finish)