On April 21, China News Service spokesperson Lu Aihong revealed on the 21st that from January to March, there were 2.29 million new jobs in cities and towns across the country, a year-on-year decrease of 950,000, and the month-on-month decline narrowed in March. The unemployment rate in the urban survey in March was 5.9%, a slight decrease from the previous month. At the end of the first quarter, the national registered unemployment rate was 3.66%. As of the end of March, the number of people participating in basic old-age pension, unemployment, and work-related injury insurance was 968 million, 203 million, and 249 million. In the first quarter, the three social insurance funds earned 1.21 trillion yuan and spent 1.33 trillion yuan.

  The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs held a press conference in the first quarter of 2020 on 21st to introduce the progress of human resources and social security work in the first quarter. Lu Aihong introduced that in order to promote the implementation of various policies and measures, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security implemented project-based management and implemented a series of human and social warfare and epidemic actions, and achieved staged results.

  Implementing the labor dispatching and safeguarding actions of key enterprises, helping more than 10,000 households transferred from the central government and local key enterprises to solve the employment of nearly 500,000 people, and ensuring the orderly production of key protective materials and daily necessities. The “point-to-point” service action for returning migrant workers to the post has been implemented, and nearly 5.9 million migrant workers have been transported. With the implementation of unemployment insurance to help enterprises stabilize their jobs, 3.02 million enterprises have enjoyed unemployment insurance to repay 38.8 billion yuan, benefiting 80.76 million employees, and the number of beneficiary enterprises exceeds that of the whole year last year. We have implemented hundreds of millions of online recruitment campaigns, focused on key areas, key regions, and key groups, and set up special recruitment sessions. There have been 1.34 million households that have posted job requirements of 13.39 million (times). A hundred-day free online skills training action was implemented, and the total number of real-name registered persons on the online platform was 5.9 million.

  The implementation of the social security assistance enterprise "exemption and mitigation" action has reduced or exempted social insurance premiums of 232.9 billion yuan and suspended payment of 28.6 billion yuan from February to March, which has played a positive role in easing the funding pressure of enterprises and helping enterprises resume production as soon as possible. Carrying out the frontline action of caring for and fighting against epidemic, introduced 12 policies and measures in five categories, including salary and welfare, job title promotion, work injury insurance, emergency supplement of medical personnel, and timely recognition. The People's and Socialist Poverty Alleviation Initiative was implemented, focusing on 52 poverty-stricken counties, "three districts and three states" and Hubei Province, which are severely affected by the epidemic, as well as targeted assistance.

  In the third and fourth quarters of last year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued two short-term career rankings, which provide references for workers and employers to seek employment, and provide guidelines for human resource development and vocational skills training. In order to understand the occupational supply and demand situation in the human resources market during the epidemic, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently organized 102 fixed-point monitoring urban public employment service agencies, collecting and summarizing and forming the “100 short-term occupational recruitment nationwide in the first quarter of 2020”. Compared with the previous period, the structure of the major categories of occupations in this period has remained generally stable. According to the classification standards of China ’s occupational classification, the shortage of occupations in this ranking is mainly concentrated in manufacturing and related personnel, social production services and life service personnel, professional technology 3 major categories of personnel.