Emirates Airlines said that it has started to intensify the precautionary measures taken at the airport and on the planes to ensure the health and safety of its employees and customers, adding: The character, which includes a protective gown over a uniform and a protective veil, as well as face masks and gloves. "

The company continued in a press statement today: "The wearing of gloves and face masks at Dubai International Airport is mandatory for all customers and workers. Thermal scanners monitor the temperature of all people present at the airport. Also, signs of social divergence are installed on the ground at the airport and in the waiting areas to ensure travelers are committed to maintaining Sufficient distance separates them from other people while completing travel and boarding procedures. "

Airport employees installed protective barriers at the terminals to complete travel procedures as an additional step to ensure the safety of passengers and workers during the communication. Emirates Airlines also left vacant seats on its planes among passengers in compliance with the rules of social separation.

The company stated that it applies a modified service program on its flights to comply with health and safety regulations. Passengers will continue to be provided with food and beverages in closed boxes to avoid contact with crew members and passengers during service. Packages include sandwiches, refreshments, snacks and desserts.

There is no print available on aircraft to reduce the risk of transmission by touch. Passengers are not permitted to carry hand luggage on planes, except for the laptop, personal handbag, and children's bag. For each passenger, the weight of the hand luggage available for his class is added to the permitted weight of his luggage that is placed in the cargo bay. All passengers are required to wear their own masks while traveling at the airport and on board the flight during their flight.