<Anchor> In order to

prevent the apartment price from falling, there are cases where the landlords kiss each other not to leave the house for a while, and the government said that the collusion would be strongly punished in the future. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport decided to hand over cases that were allegedly charged to the prosecution. 

Reporter Hee-won Je.


A notice was posted on an apartment in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do Province, with real prices and quotes.

It is a pressure not to sell below a certain price.

[Local residents: Just create an atmosphere like that, residents. 'Let's put it up and put it up, let's just put it up and try it out.']

This price fixing is even more prevalent in the online community.

For the reported price, the lower floors have to be ordered to be over 20 million won and the higher floors have to be over 50 million won.

In the real estate market illegal acting group launched in February, 364 cases of suspicion of collusion were received, and the government criminalized 11 cases of allegations.

The policy will be handed over to the prosecution in the opinion of the prosecution through seizure and search.

We are also investigating 100 cases.

In accordance with the revised real estate brokerage law, if a house price settlement is recognized, the sentence will be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine not exceeding 30 million won.

[Lee Jae-man / Professor of Real Estate, Sejong University: I don't think you should understand that maintaining prices through collusion in the marketplace is a right to property rights. Of course, it is an unfair trade practice.] The

government also investigated over 1,600 suspected housing transactions reported by November last year, and more than half reported to the IRS that it was suspected of evading taxation, such as a shortcut.

[Kim Young-han / Head of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Responding to Illegal Activities in the Real Estate Market: We plan to actively conduct planning investigations if there are concerns about overheating of housing prices, increase in sales transactions for women or women, or transactions involving suspected illegal or illegal transactions.]

Government The government is planning to strengthen its investigation into the area, saying that the proportion of corporate housing purchases is increasing in Gunpo, Hwaseong, and Incheon.

(Video coverage: Mincheol Kim, Dongcheol Kang, video editing: Hyunki Jang)