Quarantine officials have not yet been able to confirm clearly some of the claims that the corona19 child patient's transmission power is much lower than that of adults, stressing that the younger age group is a very important target for prevention management.

Kwon Joon-wook, deputy general manager of the Central Defense Response Headquarters, said in a regular briefing held at the Osong Center for Disease Control in Chungcheongbuk-do today (21st).

According to French media, including Riverasion, for the past 20 days (local time), a 9-year-old boy infected with Corona19 has been in close contact with 172 people since the infection, but has not spread the virus to anyone.

French infectious disease doctor Dr. Costa Dani analyzed AFP communication that "children do not show many symptoms even if they are infected with corona19, and because they do not have a large amount of virus, it is possible that they rarely transmit corona19".

Kwon said, “There are not many cases in the report yet, and comprehensive analysis has not been made, so it is not possible to speak clearly about the propagation power of children. "There are cases where a person spread to another patient's guardian in the same hospital room."

Kwon also emphasized the fact that children and adolescents are an important age group to manage quarantine.

"In the case of the influenza epidemic in winter, it spreads vigorously in kindergartens, elementary schools, and middle schools, and spreads back to society through homes, causing damage to the vulnerable elderly." "It's a very important subject."
In relation to the report that the virus discharge in newborn babies who received corona19 confirmation with their mother was confirmed to be 100 times higher than the mother in Korea after 27 days of birth, Kwon said, "The child's immunity is not perfect, so the virus itself is much "There can be more."

"The clinical severity of the child itself may be low, so it can bring about another aspect in relation to transmission," he said. "It is necessary to pay attention to the management of medical staff and contact persons who care for children. I will also take measures with this in mind. ”

(Photo = Yonhap News)