China News Service Client, April 20 (Li Jinlei) In response to the recent news that "US and Japanese companies have withdrawn from China", the National Development and Reform Commission spokesperson Yuan Da responded on the 20th that with China's rapid control of the epidemic, comprehensive progress With the resumption of production and production, the basic foreign investment is generally stable. The production and operation of foreign-funded enterprises in China is gradually going to normal, the completion of orders is improving, the confidence of foreign investors is gradually increasing, and a number of new foreign investment projects are about to land, which fully demonstrates China ’s investment environment. Stability and toughness. Recent surveys conducted by the American Chamber of Commerce in China, the US-China National Trade Commission, the Japan Trade Promotion Agency and other chambers of commerce have shown that since March, the production and operation of U.S.-funded and Japanese-funded enterprises have tended to improve, and their willingness to invest has increased significantly from February. Consider The number of enterprises adjusting the industrial layout is very small.