Illustrative image of an envelope containing the tax return sent to taxpayers. - Philippe HUGUEN / AFP

"We are launching the tax declaration campaign by adapting to this context," explained Minister of Public Accounts Gérald Darmanin, during a telephone press point. The French can start this Monday to complete their tax return and will have additional time but not the opportunity to go to their tax center to fulfill this obligation due to the coronavirus crisis and confinement.

Households that still complete their paper declaration will have an additional month, that is, until June 12, to send their declaration by mail to the tax authorities, while households that declare their income online will have until 4, June 8 or 11 depending on their department of residence, detailed the Minister.

Reinforced human and technical resources

This delay will not cause any delay in the completion and dispatch of the tax notices, which are necessary in particular to calculate the amount of certain aid and tax credits, he said. Confinement obliges, this year the taxpayers will not be able to go first to their tax center to file their declaration because "the centers of public finances will not welcome public during the period of confinement", specifies the ministry in a communicated.

In return, the Directorate General of Public Finance (DGFip) has strengthened its human and technical resources to support, by telephone and email, taxpayers who need it. The DGFip will propose to the government a method of reopening its centers from May 11, the date of gradual lifting of containment, said Gérald Darmanin.

12 million tax households exempt from reporting

Another novelty, which has been announced for a long time: around 12 million tax households whose situation does not require rectification, will be exempt from declaration, which is generated automatically by the administration. They will only have to check it but without needing to return the declaration if they have not made any changes.

As a result of the health and economic crisis, the government expects income tax revenues to drop by more than € 6 billion this year, compared to what it forecast in its initial budget end of 2019. In addition to the delay of one month to make his statement, the minister said he had given "instructions of benevolence and gentleness" on possible delays in certain territories.


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Coronavirus: Government Shifts Tax Return

  • Gérald Darmanin
  • Coronavirus
  • Economy
  • Taxes
  • Income tax return
  • Bercy
  • Finance