His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, stressed that the leadership of the state is doing everything it can to bring all materials from the end of the world and secure them for citizens and residents on the land of the Emirates.

This came during a remote meeting, held by His Highness with the Minister of Economy, Sultan bin Saeed Al-Mansoori, and the Ministry broadcast a section of it in its official account on "Twitter", where His Highness started the meeting by asking about the economic conditions and the economic situation of the Emirates in general.

The Ministry of Economy publishes, in its official account on Twitter, a video clip of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, during his remote meeting, Minister of Economy @ Economyae # UAE_Today pic.twitter.com/eD45yuW1jx

- Emirates Today (@emaratalyoum) April 18, 2020

For his part, the Minister of Economy assured His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, that if a country is ready to strive and work to get out of this crisis as soon as possible and has the institutions, capacity and leadership, then it is the Emirates.

He thanked the Minister of Economy, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, for his communication with other countries to secure the needs of the UAE, noting that these countries are destined for this interaction and communication in these critical and difficult circumstances.

Al-Mansouri said that the current crisis is a global crisis affecting all sectors without exception, including the economic sector in various parts of the world, pointing out that the Ministry of Economy conducted full diagnostic operations for all sectors and focused on the move to address the sectors that were affected by the crisis quickly and influential.