Xinhua News Agency, Zhengzhou, April 19 (Reporters Cheng Shuaipeng, Li Wenzhe) The nine departments of the Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission jointly issued a document recently, proposing to encourage the issuance of consumer coupons and other ten opinions, in an effort to effectively hedge the impact of the epidemic and meet the consumption needs of the people.

  According to the "Several Opinions on Promoting the Expansion and Quality Improvement of the Consumer Market", Henan encourages all localities and relevant departments to combine the actual situation with regard to catering and entertainment, cultural tourism, accommodation, sports and fitness, commercial retail, and other fields or industries that have been severely affected by the epidemic. Issuing electronic consumer coupons. Encourage various measures to promote consumption and expand the consumer market.

  "This is the first time in our province to encourage local governments to promote consumption through the issuance of consumer vouchers." Zhi Anyu, deputy director of the Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said that Zhengzhou, Sanmenxia and other places have taken the lead and Zhengzhou issued the first batch of 50 million yuan through Alipay. The consumer coupons have been successfully concluded.

  According to reports, Henan also proposed to promote holiday consumption, encourage preferential tickets for scenic spots, promote the continuous development of tourist scenic spots, prosper the small shop economy, build the Central Plains catering brand, strengthen the promotion of special consumption development, increase the construction of consumer infrastructure and optimize the consumption environment, etc. Measures, clearly implement the paid vacation system, and implement compensatory rest for staff who do not enjoy the prescribed rest days, holidays, and overtime in the epidemic prevention and control.