

Friday, April 17, 2020 - 22:42

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  • Covid. Coronavirus in Spain, last minute live
  • Health. The toilets forgotten by Health: "His last words were for the pharmacy workers"
  • According to Fedea. 8 cases in Ávila, 17 in Teruel and 67% less in Madrid: this is how the coronavirus would have been contained, acting only a week before

Spain faces the coronavirus pandemic with a noticeable deficit of investment in Health with respect to the average levels of the European Union. Figures in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reveal this, and the OECD notes that "per capita health expenditure is 2,371 euros, 15% below the EU average of 2,884 euros". Health profile of Spain made by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and which includes data from

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