Keep your tickets rather than having them refunded. This is the message passed by Xavier Viton, treasurer of the Association of private theaters of regions on Europe 1, who is worried about a drop in theater attendance even after the halls reopen. "We need spectators to show us their affection," he urges. 


With confinement, it is everyone in the culture who suffers from seeing the doors of their establishments hopelessly closed. This is particularly the case for theaters and among them, those of the private theater. While the latter does not normally receive any public aid, the Minister of Culture, Franck Riester, announced that 5 million would be paid to him in an attempt to support him in the economic crisis that France is going through. 

>> LIVE -  Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Saturday April 18

"Gather and unite"

An initiative welcomed by Xavier Viton, treasurer of the Association of private theaters of regions, which however nuances the scope of this gesture. "It might not do much, not be enough for some to pass this crisis without dying," he regrets at the microphone of the Europe 1 morning show. The treasurer fears, in fact, that the lifting of the confinement and reopening of theaters does not take too long.

"The art of theater takes on its full significance when it manages to unite and unite, as Jean Villard says. At the moment, we cannot unite and there is a good chance that before the spectators can return to our rooms and can sit side by side, knees against knees and explode with laughter with actors who spur them on in the front row, it might be a bit long and that's what we're afraid of. " 

A usually precious month of March

Another apprehension: that the French shun theaters for fear of contamination. "I think there will be a treat for fun, but the only problem is this fear that we will all have in us," he worries. Especially since, "we are all the same. If we tell you for several months: 'put on masks, don't touch yourself and have a social distance ...', before convincing the spectators that they will be able to recover shoulder to shoulder, on theater seats ... ", he sighs, regretting that the coronavirus has ended an" extraordinary "period for the theater, the month of March being usually marked by a high attendance. 

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"We need love"

Regarding the tickets purchased for shows that will not take place, Xavier Viton wants to be reassuring and invites spectators to keep their tickets. "We do what we encourage, but we don't force it and we understand the spectators who need to find cash, but if they can, it is to keep their tickets carefully and to represent it at the start of the school year, "he said, specifying that even if the show in question will no longer be playing, the theaters will allow them to attend another in exchange. Similarly, current subscriptions will be extended. 


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"The aid that we can receive is combined in three ways: the first obviously is financial, fiscal: we need the State to give us direct aid, cancel a large part of the charges and decide on the issue of Then we need spectators to show us their affection by sending us a few words and, if they can, by not being reimbursed. And thirdly, we need love ", concludes Xavier Viton , amused.