"He traveled to India on Friday, February 7, for personal reasons related to his brother's cancer, and he died earlier this month at the age of 82," said NMC chairman Race B Shetty, who is charged with criminal cases.

"My brother has been sick for a while, so I came in February and he died, maybe two weeks ago," Shetty said in a telephone interview with the National newspaper published yesterday.

"Once the restrictions related to the spread of the Coruna virus and the opening of flights are over, I will return to the Emirates," Shetty said, noting that "his wife is with him, but the rest of his family is in Abu Dhabi."

 Shetty said he was "silent" about the allegations he and his companies face, and he did not want to respond, because I do not know the facts, and I do not know what happened.

Shetty said in a statement sent to the National newspaper: "Given that my legal and Sharia investigations have now begun to produce some preliminary results, and given some of the misleading and false allegations made against me, I will discuss to respond in an appropriate manner and with the relevant authorities in the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere ... I am totally determined to highlight the full facts and the full truth about what happened as soon as possible. "