China News Service, April 17th, on the morning of the 17th, the State Council Office held a press conference on the operation of the national economy in the first quarter of 2020. In response to the question of "whether the second quarter can be the turning point of China's economic growth this year", Mao Shengyong, spokesman for the Bureau of Statistics, responded.

  Mao Shengyong said that from the current economic operation situation, March has improved significantly from January to February. This is a basic judgment.

  Mao Shengyong pointed out that the momentum of improvement in March should be able to continue, especially as the resumption of production and the acceleration of overall planning and the introduction of more vigorous policies, the second quarter will perform better, so the second quarter will be significantly better Quarterly, this is a basic trend. If the global epidemic situation is better controlled, the second half of the year should be better than the first half.

  "Our goal is to promote the stable operation of the economy throughout the year and the stability of the overall social situation." Mao Shengyong said.