client Beijing, April 16 (Xie Yiguan) Recently, "Hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk in the United States poured into the sewer" "Los Angeles citizens queued to apply for food relief" have been on the hot search, which has caused heated discussions. "These stories were read in the 1929 Great Depression in the middle school history textbook." Some netizens said, "Are you reviewing history for me?"

  When the scenes in the history textbooks are reproduced one by one, is the United States and even the global economic depression really coming?

Milk, eggs ... a lot of food was destroyed

  Netizens frequently witnessed history this year, and the scene of "dumping milk" during the Great Depression of the last century was repeated in the United States and other countries.

  The ABC reported on the 2nd, "During the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, there was a surplus of milk in the United States, and farmers in Wisconsin were forced to dump hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk." This scene was also staged in France, the United Kingdom, Canada and other countries. .

  "The reason for the milk surplus is because the schools that usually provide milk in restaurants are now closed, and stores restrict the purchase of milk per household. Many American families hoarded a lot of milk at the beginning of the pandemic The demand is not high and other reasons. "ABC explained in the report.

  According to data from the International Dairy Foods Association, about 5% of the milk in the United States is currently being dumped, and this number is expected to double if it continues to suspend business and classes in the coming months.

  Thousands of gallons of milk have been poured into ponds and fertilizer pits. According to the New York Times, restaurant closures, hotel closures and school suspensions have caused some farmers to lose more than half of their buyers. Although retailers are seeing a surge in food sales in supermarkets because Americans now eat almost every meal at home, this growth is not enough to digest all that was planted a few weeks ago and was intended to be provided to schools and businesses Perishable food.

  A farmer in Idaho dug several large trenches to bury 1 million pounds of onions; in South Florida, which supplies agricultural products to most parts of the eastern United States, tractors are traversing green beans and cabbage fields to grow long Vegetables are ploughed back into the ground; chicken farm Sanderson Farms now destroys 750,000 unhatched eggs each week, accounting for 5.5% of its total output, and these broken eggs are sent to a processing plant for processing Into pet food.

  Joe Sanderson, the CEO of Sanderson Farm, told analysts that company executives even considered euthanasia of chickens to avoid selling at unprofitable prices, but the company did not do so in the end.

  The United States International News Agency reported on the 6th that because the epidemic caused growers to lose a large number of customers, American farmers destroyed a large number of perishable foods such as tomatoes, lettuce and string beans. Growers said they tried to find a retailer or food relief center but failed, so they only let the crops rot. If the government does not immediately provide stimulus funding assistance, they can only destroy more food.

  "When many Americans are in economic trouble and millions of people are suddenly out of work, the massive destruction of fresh food, which is measured by the standard of a global pandemic, is also a particularly dystopian change. This Reflects the huge economic uncertainty caused by the new corona virus, and how large-scale economic industries such as agriculture change operations to adapt to the difficulty of such mutations. "The New York Times pointed out.

Data Map: On April 6, local time, a supermarket in the U.S. area of ​​the United States set up glass partitions between cashiers and customers in the checkout area to prevent mutual infection. China News Agency reporter Sha Hanting

Unemployment in the US soared, and citizens queued to receive food

  Recently, affected by the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the number of unemployed in Los Angeles has soared. California Governor Newson said at a news conference on April 2 local time that California ’s unemployment rate is rapidly increasing due to the severe damage to the California economy. The number of unemployed people has reached 1.9 million. During the past week, the daily income To about 111,000 jobless applications.

  According to US media reports, on the 9th, a temporary food distribution area in southern California attracted many people. There are long queues of vehicles waiting to receive free groceries, and the team is close to 2 kilometers. If you are lucky, you can get a 16 kg box with rice, lentils and other staple foods, frozen chicken, oranges, etc.

  According to the report, a 40-year-old man was a golf tournament contractor and lined up with his children. "I haven't worked in 3 weeks and have saved a little money but have to pay rent and phone bills."

  Some netizens said that it seemed that they were going back to the Great Depression of the last century, only the people who queued up were turned into cars.

  Not just California, the unemployment wave has swept across the United States. According to the Agence France-Presse report, on April 9, local time, the US Department of Labor said that the new coronary pneumonia pandemic has led to the closure of some US businesses, and the number of people applying for unemployment benefits has been increasing. As of the week of April 4, the number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits for the first time reached 6.6 million.

  Statistics show that since mid-March, nearly 17 million people in the United States have lost their jobs. Analysts pointed out that because of the continuous spread of the epidemic and the lag of the data, the US employment data may be more severe in the next few months.

  This has also been confirmed by research institutions. The National Association of Business Economics (NABE) announced on the 10th that the median survey of 45 interviewed economists showed that the epidemic caused the U.S. economy to suddenly stop functioning, possibly reducing 4.5 million jobs. It is estimated that by the end of 2021, fewer jobs will be restored than 2 million, and the unemployment rate in the United States will rise to more than 6% in the next 21 months.

  The suspension of economic activity has also caused a surge in the number of unemployed people worldwide. The International Labor Organization released a report on the 7th, showing that 81% of the global labor population of 3.3 billion has been affected by the new crown epidemic, and their workplaces have been completely or partially closed. The epidemic is expected to reduce the total working hours of the global working population by 6.7% in the second quarter of this year, which is equivalent to 195 million full-time employees losing their jobs.

  The report also pointed out that this year's global unemployment rate largely depends on the future development of the epidemic situation and the implementation of related measures. The increase in the number of unemployed people throughout the year may be much higher than the 25 million previously predicted.

Data Map: On April 12, local time, all shops in Fisherman ’s Wharf, San Francisco, USA have been closed. China News Service reporter Liu Guanguan

The global economy will shrink by 3%! Will the Great Depression repeat itself?

  On the one hand, citizens lined up to apply for relief food, and on the other, farmers destroyed a lot of food. The scene described in the chapter of the "Great Depression" in the history textbook was reproduced. Adding to the recent fluctuations in the global capital market, many institutions predict that the global economy is falling into recession.

  On the 14th, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released the latest issue of "World Economic Outlook", which once again proved that the economic recession has really come. The IMF expects global GDP to shrink by 3% in 2020, which makes this "big blockade" the worst economic recession since the "Great Depression", much worse than the situation during the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.

  IMF chief economist Gita Gopinat said that the cumulative loss of global GDP in 2020 and 2021 caused by the epidemic crisis may reach about 9 trillion US dollars, which is greater than the sum of the economies of Japan and Germany. Per capita income in more than 170 countries is expected to shrink.

  "Due to the high uncertainty of the spread of the new crown epidemic and the development of corresponding vaccines, even if the epidemic is controlled within a short period of time, winter may come back. This high degree of uncertainty may cause companies and residents to significantly reduce their investment and consumption behavior. The rapid decline in global trade has caused a global negative feedback effect, which may severely hurt global economic growth in a longer period of time. "Lu Ting, chief economist of Nomura Securities China, pointed out.

  "The outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic has a typical external impact on the economy during the initial period, just like wars and 9.11 events. However, in order to deal with the epidemic, most countries have adopted the policy of locking the country and closing the city to isolate The result of the policy is the endogenous impact on the economy. "Pan Xiangdong, chief economist of New Times Securities, told reporters that, just like the Great Depression of 1929, the closed-door lock-up between the economies that was triggered at that time caused a sharp decline in economic activity.

  "The future global economic recession is inevitable. The extent of the recession depends on the progress of the introduction of specific drugs or vaccines. The longer the launch, the deeper the economic recession." Pan Xiangdong said.

  Assuming that "the epidemic will subside in the second half of 2020 and the prevention and control measures can be gradually eliminated", the IMF expects the global economy to grow by 5.8% in 2021. But the IMF also said that global growth forecasts are extremely uncertain. A much worse result of economic growth is possible, even very likely. (Finish)