(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The "slow rhythm" in the resumption of labor in North Xinjiang, China: accumulating for the most beautiful season

ChinaNews.com Hohhot April 12 Telegram: "Slow Rhythm" in the Resumption of Production in North Xinjiang, China: Accumulating for the most beautiful season

Author Zhang Wei Aolan

"This year is not as crowded as in previous years. There is a table when you come here. Tourists who come to eat open river fish in this season have to make an appointment two days in advance." On the 11th, on the Yellow River in Tokto County, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Qin Erhu, the person in charge of music, told reporters.

At the beginning of April, the Yellow River opened up and grasslands recovered, peach and apricot blossoms in central and western Inner Mongolia bloomed, and rhododendrons spread all over the mountains in the eastern Daxinganling forest area. It was supposed to be the "warm up" period of the tourist season in Inner Mongolia, but the grassland tourism was "slowed down" due to a new coronary pneumonia epidemic.

On April 9th, the central government responded to the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Work Leading Group and issued the “Guiding Opinions on Actively and Orderly Promoting the Resumption of Production and Production While Effectively Preventing and Controlling the Epidemic Situation”. restore.

The picture shows tourists visiting Hohhot Qing · Huoshuo King Princess Palace Museum. Zhang Weishe

In the eyes of practitioners in these industries, "speed reduction" is the accumulation of the most beautiful season. The epidemic did not contain the enthusiasm of Inner Mongolia sincerely inviting domestic and foreign tourists.

"After the epidemic, please come to the grassland." Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia known as "China's milk capital", seized the opportunities and golden development period brought by the Beijing-Huhu high-speed rail connection, recently compiled and printed China, Britain, China, Russia, China, Mongolia, China, Japan, China, South Korea, and Chinese. There are 15 types of promotional materials, including 6 traditional versions of cultural and tourist propaganda guides, tourist maps, study and travel guides, rural travel guides, self-driving travel guides, and Hohhot flavors. The move aims to introduce the unique tourism products and routes of "China's Milk City" to domestic and foreign tourists to prepare for the peak tourist season after the epidemic.

At present, excluding seasonal factors, all market players in Inner Mongolia have achieved the "recovery", while some industries have substantially "slowed down".

In late March, the cultural venues in Inner Mongolia “restarted” nearly two months later, but the amount of reception and the length of reception were limited. Although there is no “men Ting Ruo Shi” in the past, each cultural venue has its own unique tricks to enrich the cultural life of the masses by using online and offline methods.

"5G live tour of the museum, every detail is clearly seen through the screen, and the 'exclusive' interpreter is especially intimate." Xu Lei, who loves history and culture, talked about the experience of visiting the museum online during the epidemic. give a thumbs up.

140,000 volumes of e-books, more than 3500 high-definition periodicals with a total volume of more than 250,000, more than 300 kinds of youth books, and tens of thousands of listening resources ... During the epidemic, the digital reading content of the Inner Mongolia Library achieved full coverage, allowing "Guests" really realized "cloud reading".

Under the impact of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic, the cultural industry is proficient in "Get" new skills.

The picture shows "diners" eating in Inner Mongolia restaurants. Zhang Weishe

The body temperature test, the killing of the back kitchen and the attendance rate should not exceed 50% ... During the epidemic, the restaurant industry was the most concerned.

On March 9, the catering industry in Inner Mongolia began to resume work and production gradually, requiring restaurants to provide public chopsticks and spoons, all implementing a meal-sharing system. However, due to the psychological factors of the people, the road to the "recovery" of the catering industry is somewhat difficult.

In an interview with reporters, Sun Jianhao, deputy general manager of Inner Mongolia Hotel, said: "This epidemic has hurt the catering industry and has grown a lot. It changed the unreasonable dining methods in the past and urged the hotel to carry out more careful killing and inspection procedures. It is very important to re-establish trust between restaurants and diners. "

During the New Crown Pneumonia epidemic, what most regretted the people of Inner Mongolia was undoubtedly the postponement of the "Fourteenth National Winter Games" (hereinafter referred to as "Fourteen Winter"), which was originally scheduled to open on February 16.

Although "Fourteen Winter" was stranded, it did not stand still.

Jiang Baodong, deputy director of the Inner Mongolia Sports Bureau, said that all the preparatory work for the "fourteen winter" has been implemented. At present, the plan for the restoration of the "Fourteen Winter" has been reported to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government. The preparations for the "Fourteen Winter" are being actively and orderly carried out. I believe that the "Fourteen Winter" after careful preparation will be more exciting. (Finish)