[Explanation] The Sino-Russian Forestry Science and Technology Cooperation Park is located in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province. It is a national intelligence introduction base, a national agricultural science and technology park, a national berry forest germplasm resource bank, and a national forestry science popularization base. Affected by the epidemic, the return to work this year is nearly 10 days later than in previous years. At present, the park is busy again.

[Explanation] On March 23, the reporter saw in the tents of the Sino-Russian Forestry Science and Technology Cooperation Park that more than 40 workers were raising seedlings. In the plantation field outside the greenhouse, several women workers are trimming seedlings.

[Explanation] According to the person in charge of the park, after the resumption of work in the park, part of the infrastructure reconstruction, seedling, cup filling and other work are being carried out in stages.

[Concurrent] Liu Haoyuan, Deputy Director of Sino-Russian Forestry Science and Technology Cooperation Park

We plan to cultivate 3.1 million seedlings this year, change 800,000 seedbeds, and plant 450,000 seedlings. In the next step, we will formulate a scientific and effective work plan, carry out seedling raising, seeding and germplasm resource bank construction, as well as cuttings.

[Explanation] The Sino-Russian Forestry Science and Technology Cooperation Park was established in 2004. It has five functional areas for scientific research and experimentation, introduction and domestication, variety display, seedling breeding, and cultivation demonstration. A total of 81 fine economic and green tree species and 393 varieties have been introduced in Russia , 2.5 million seedlings, 30 million good seedlings have been independently bred, and the promotion area is 30,000 mu.

Reporter Wei Lai reports from Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang

Editor-in-chief: [Luo Pan]