Between staying at home to respect containment measures and having to go to their workplaces, the French are lost in the orders of Emmanuel Macron. If companies are called upon to maintain their activities, especially in essential sectors, managers fear the defections of employees.

A defense council is meeting this Friday. Emmanuel Macron believes that the French are still taking containment measures too lightly to limit the spread of the coronavirus. At the same time, he urges employees to continue their activities, in compliance with health rules. Sometimes contradictory injunctions. For the government, one of the priorities is not to stop France and to pursue an economic activity. The Minister of Economy, Bruno Le Maire, also asked business leaders in sectors important to daily life to maintain their activities.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Friday March 20

You have to succeed in producing and transporting the necessary goods, recognizes Bercy. Vital sectors must rotate, such as banks, for example, to support businesses and individuals.

>> PODCAST - Coronavirus: find all the answers to your questions here

A charter of good conduct and bonuses

The feedback from the field is worrying, many employees do not want to go to work. A concern shared by certain leaders. "We imply that we can't go to a funeral and we have to tell our employees to come to work," said a director of a large French company who decided to close its factories.

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At the top of the state, there is fear of stopping production. Normal concerns at the beginning nuance Medef. Employers and unions are working on a charter of good conduct, but this may not be enough. Bonuses will surely have to be granted to all employees who make the exceptional effort to come, say several leaders.