An illustration of telework. - Pixabay

Cardiac, respiratory, diabetic pathologies, pregnant women… For the so-called “at risk” people facing coronavirus, the government has implemented a simplified sick leave procedure, announced the Ministry of Health, in a press release published on Wednesday. evening.

"From now on, vulnerable people considered to be" at risk "are asked to limit their travel and their contacts as much as possible," said the Minister of Health.

Work stoppage when telework is not possible

"For these people, and in the absence of a telework solution, the government opens the possibility of benefiting from a work stoppage", as is already the case for people who have been in contact with the sick or for them. parents forced to keep their child, adds the ministry. Those considered "vulnerable" are those classified "at risk" by the High Council for Public Health (HCSP), he said.

Among them are patients with chronic respiratory failure, renal failure, diabetes and a history of cardiovascular disease. "This procedure also applies to pregnant women," says the ministry, which states that it has implemented "simplified" procedures for those concerned.

Data subjects compensated from the 1st day

To benefit from work stoppages, people must register on the site "", open Wednesday. The judgment will be established automatically if the person meets the criteria set. When necessary, "the medical service of the fund will contact the person to check their situation," details the ministry.

"On the basis of this work stoppage, the employee will be compensated from the first day of stoppage under the same conditions as for a sick leave by health insurance and will receive, if necessary, an additional employer", underlines t -he. This tele-service will be open to all policyholders, regardless of their affiliation scheme, he adds.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Containment
  • Video
  • Economy
  • Ministry of Health
  • Sick leave