(Combating new crown pneumonia) China reduced 123.9 billion yuan in social insurance premiums for pensions, unemployment, and work injuries in February

China News Agency, Beijing, March 19 (Reporter Liang Xiaohui) In order to help enterprises overcome difficulties, China has introduced a periodical policy to reduce or reduce corporate social insurance premiums. According to statistics, in February, a total of 123.9 billion yuan (RMB, the same below) on social security premiums for retirement, unemployment, and work injury were waived.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China held a special press conference on the 19th to introduce the progress of work related to the response to the epidemic.

On February 20, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration of Taxation issued the “Notice on Periodic Reduction and Exemption of Corporate Social Insurance Fees”, which stipulated that from February to June, exemptions, reductions, Delay in payment of three social insurance premium units.

At the press conference, Nie Mingchen, director of the Department of Endowment Insurance of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said that up to now, 30 provinces and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have introduced specific implementation measures, and the reduction and exemption policies have been implemented in accordance with the top rule, that is, three small, medium and micro enterprises have been implemented since February. Social insurance fee exemption units pay for five months, and three social insurance premiums are halved for three months for large enterprises and other participating units. At present, the effect of reduction or exemption has appeared.

First, from January to February, the revenue collected from the enterprise pension insurance fund decreased by 23.3% year-on-year, and the province with the largest reduction reached 64.2%.

Second, the social security premiums paid by some enterprises in February have been or are being processed, and it is expected that they can be completed by the end of March.

Third, the three social insurance premiums reported by the provinces in February for retirement, unemployment, and work injury totaled 123.9 billion yuan, which was higher than expected, reflecting from one aspect that the actual actual reduction or exemption effect may be greater than expected.

Nie Mingxun said that the next step will be to increase the guidance of the provinces to implement the reduction and exemption policies as soon as possible, while not increasing the burden on corporate affairs, so that enterprises have a real sense of gain. (Finish)