Concerns over the impact of the European stock market movement restrictions Prices continue to fall 20:26 on March 17

On the evening of the 17th day of Japan time, the European stock market on the 17th, when trading began, has been trying to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection due to concerns about the effects of measures to restrict the movement of people spread to various countries, Prices are dropping in many markets.

In the European stock market on the 17th, in Europe where the infection of the new coronavirus is serious, countries announced a series of measures such as banning entry and restricting outings, resulting in the suspension of factory production and the economic situation such as Due to the impact, sell orders are spreading.

Compared to the previous day's closing price, at 6:30 pm Japan time, the main market stock indices were approximately 2% in Frankfurt, 1.9% in London, 1.7% in Paris and 1.7% in Italy. The price has dropped about 1.3% in the Milan market.

Market officials say, "We are wary of the impact that economic activity is having on European markets with strict restrictions on the movement of people in the markets. We can see how long this situation will continue and how far it will spread. Nothing is serious. "