Maintaining stable supply and smooth prices and raising confidence

Continue to work hard to improve people's living standard

Hubei Daily Full Media Reporter Ai Hongxia Lei Chuang Zhang Qianqian

"We must do everything possible to protect the basic lives of the masses."

"The people's livelihood is stable, the human heart is stable, and the society is stable."

"We must fully consider the basic needs of the people, closely monitor market supply and demand and price dynamics, and ensure the supply of necessities such as rice cereals, oils, meat, poultry, eggs, and milk."

At a critical moment in the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, on March 10, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Wuhan, Hubei Province to inspect the epidemic prevention and control work, emphasizing the need to do everything possible to ensure the basic lives of the people.

In-depth implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Jinping ’s important speech, our province will continue to work hard to ensure supply, stabilize prices, circulate and raise confidence, continue to improve the level of protection, and effectively resolve the concerns of the people's lives, and resolutely win the Hubei and Wuhan defence .

Continuously enrich product varieties and improve delivery timeliness

"The general secretary ’s speech is encouraging and inspiring." Qin Jun, director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, said that the province ’s business system will quickly unify thoughts and actions into the spirit of the general secretary ’s important speech. Effectively do a good job in guaranteeing daily necessities for the supply and price stabilization, orderly promote the return of commerce and trade enterprises and the return to production of export-oriented enterprises, implement the original mission in the war, and submit the qualified answer papers in the big test.

People take food as their heaven. To do everything possible to ensure the basic lives of the masses, it is necessary to ensure supply, stabilize prices, circulate and increase confidence.

Qin Jun stated that the commerce department will continue to do a good job in market protection and supply, strengthen the organization of transportation and purchase and storage; on the basis of doing a good job in epidemic prevention work, orderly guide the commercial circulation enterprises to resume operations. Further enrich the market supply categories, not only to meet the basic needs of the people, but also to meet the reasonable individual needs of the people. At the same time, continue to play the role of the "main force" of the group purchase and the "new force" of the e-commerce platform, and improve the "contactless distribution". The “last mile” and “last 100 meters” of community group purchases will be further unblocked to ensure sufficient necessities, high quality and stable prices.

A large epidemic is like a big test, and answering the "people's livelihood answer sheet" is an important part of epidemic prevention and control.

Since the outbreak, Zhongbai Group's subsidiary Zhongbai Warehousing, Zhongbai Supermarket, and Zhongbai Rosen Convenience Store have maintained normal operations in more than a thousand stores in the province. 13,000 Zhongbai employees have adhered to the first line of guarantees and stores in Wuhan. The average daily distribution of fresh agricultural products is 255 times, only 600 tons of vegetables are sold daily during peak hours, and more than 2,000 communities are served by docking.

"We will continue to work hard to ensure the supply and supply, continue to enrich the product variety, and maintain price stability." Yang Xiaohong, general manager of Zhongbai Group, said that in response to the increasing demand for fresh produce in the market, the next step will be to strengthen the supply and marketing of production sites. And strengthen the logistics and distribution capacity to ensure the efficient operation of the "lifeline" of the daily life of the citizens, and continue to do the "one yuan vegetables" and 10 yuan caring vegetable packs and the government's frozen pork stock, "Zhongbai Central Kitchen continued to be fully loaded for 24 hours Production, to fully meet the doubling supply demand for soy products, rice noodles, steamed buns, box lunches and Chinese noodles. "

"General Secretary Xi Jinping's proposal to do a good job in safeguarding the basic lives of the masses allows us to further understand the importance of work and encourage and spur us." Hao Jian, chairman of China Business Group, introduced that the group mobilized all resources to do a good job during the epidemic People's livelihood security, in addition to supermarket store employees, also organizes the mobilization of non-supermarket employees such as shopping malls and department stores to support supermarkets, overcome difficulties, adhere to the front line, and ensure the smooth flow of the arteries of materials for procurement, transportation, sorting, and distribution.

"In extraordinary times, we try our best to enrich the variety of products, improve the timeliness of delivery, reduce the impact on citizens 'dining tables, and strengthen residents' confidence in fighting the epidemic." Hao Jian said, in addition to the new package of aquatic products, we also timely updated the 10 yuan caring vegetable category. For example, adding varieties such as Shanghai greens, canola, and lettuce, while flexibly configuring employees to improve the sorting and distribution capabilities, the current average daily shipment of frozen pork is 120 tons. In the next step, we will adjust the package variety in time according to the demand, and stabilize the price through direct base mining and other methods to serve the residents' dining tables.

Solve the residents ’anxiety and do more for the people

People's livelihood is no small matter.

"The General Secretary mentioned that the basic needs of the people should be fully considered. My understanding is that we must do everything possible to solve the needs." Huang Zhihua, general manager of the Wuhan local community e-commerce food sharing club, said that to ensure the work, the first thing is to solve the residents' urgent needs in time. Hope, the second is to pay more attention to the people.

At present, the food enjoyment service covers more than 1,300 communities in Wuhan. Huang Zhihua said that through the big data, the platform understands that the demand for baby milk powder and daily necessities has increased, and related products have been put on the shelves. As the purchase volume increases and the bargaining power increases, the company will immediately reduce prices to benefit the people. The next step will be to improve the storage and distribution capacity , Serve more communities, and contribute to the protection of people's livelihood.

On March 12, the sixth phase of the Wuchang Baruijing Community gate was placed with 1000 kilograms of caring vegetables purchased and purchased by volunteers in less than an hour, and all were distributed.

"We source at source, and the price is half cheaper than supermarkets." Volunteer Yu Liangying is the head of Beijing Pilot China International Tourism Hubei Company and a community resident. Knowing that some residents of the community had financial difficulties, he initiated a loving purchase with the help of the community.

The same situation happened in Qifa Community, Guanshan Street, Hongshan District. Yi Xuebing, deputy secretary of the party committee of the community, was working with volunteers to distribute 1,000 kilograms of love cabbage and 500 kilograms of flour to residents for free.

Bairuijing is a new community with more than 8,000 households and more than 20,000 residents, mainly from post-80s families; Guanshan Street Qifa Community is an old community founded in the 1950s, with about 6,200 residents. Nearly Sixty percent of the residents are older than 50 years.

The community history and population structure are different, but this time the fight against the epidemic has guaranteed the residents' lives, but they feel the same: rely on the residents and care about the residents.

There are more than 400 volunteers in the Bairuijing community, of which 60% are residents of the community. Wang Yaling, the secretary of the party committee of Barry King Community, said that together with the community and property personnel, they buy and divide food for residents, and the daily life of more than 20,000 people. 100 meters. "

Wang Yaling said that studying the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping ’s inspection of Hubei ’s important speech strengthened her confidence in taking the mass line. Only by launching a good atmosphere of relying on the residents and forming a good atmosphere of neighbor watching and mutual help can we organize more group purchases in an orderly manner. Better resources are distributed to poor residents and special populations, making the supply of living materials more efficient and orderly during the epidemic.