Hairdressers, dry cleaners and laundries will be able to open during the next 15 days that the alarm state lasts. They are one of the few businesses, in addition to food, that may open during this period of restriction.

The rest of the commerce, gyms and the hospitality industry will not be able, according to what is contained in the royal decree approved today by the extraordinary minister's council and as confirmed by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez.

The Government thus decides to include hairdressing salons, laundries and dry cleaners within the services of first necessity that citizens will be able to access during these weeks of confinement.

This decision has quickly provoked reactions on social networks, with messages that criticize or ironize about it. An expert in the distribution sector recalls that this could be justified because there are "many hairdressers in some areas of Spain that sell food products".

It could be justified by a hygiene issue. Laundries provide a service to people who do not have a washing machine at home. Also dry cleaners, which in addition to personal use, "may have an industrial use, for work clothes." Hairdressers, they explain, "can provide a service to people with lack of mobility in their arms , who cannot wash their hair."

Regarding hairdressing salons, we are talking about a business whose turnover (together with the beauty businesses) reached 3,550 million euros in 2018, maintaining for the third consecutive year a growth of around 1.5%.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Spain
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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