Youth economy theory

"I was borrowed"

The masters have begun to sort fresh produce and change the production of hotels to produce air conditioners. At the moment of the epidemic, corporate employees are self-helping and innovating, and shared employees have become popular.


At 10 am on March 1, Chen Leyi, 25, finished his 12-hour work and walked out of the workshop. At this time, the sky in Suzhou was cloudy and the outdoor temperature was only 9 degrees Celsius, but Chen Leyi felt warm.

The sorting shop where he works keeps 5-7 degrees Celsius all year round, and he must wear thick cotton jackets. Previously, he was a chef at Suzhou New Meihua Olympic Sports Center. He is now a "shared employee" of Suzhou Food Bank Fresh E-Commerce Co., Ltd.

A few days ago, reporters from the China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily visited a number of enterprises in Jiangsu that suffered from "outbreaks of epidemic shortages". They were using the "shared staff" approach to solve employment problems.

I was "borrowed" away

The new Suzhou Meihua restaurant that Chen Leyi worked for is a very well-known restaurant. There are many chain stores, and every time the Spring Festival is popular, it is "hard to find." Because of the high wages during the Spring Festival, Chen Leyi chose to stay in Suzhou.

New crown pneumonia struck, disrupting all his plans. Years ago, guests called for meals, and fewer and fewer people came to eat. On January 22, Xinmeihua Olympic Sports Center Store announced the suspension of business. The hotel originally planned to resume business on January 28, but due to the development of the epidemic, the resume date has been repeatedly postponed.

When will the epidemic end? Can work be kept? Will the basic salary be paid as usual? Will the company lay off workers on a large scale? When can work resume ... Chen Leyi started to worry. On January 29, he saw a message released by the company group: Food Bank Fresh “borrowed” employees from Xinmeihua Restaurant to work in the sorting workshop.

"Anyway, I'm idle. I have to pay for fresh food to work in the food bank. It costs 25 yuan an hour, which is quite high, so I signed up." Soon, Chen Leyi became the first batch of "support" food fresh One of the "shared employees".

At 10 pm on February 4, Chen Leyi officially started working as a "shared employee." He works night shifts, 12 hours per shift, and has barely stopped his hands except for half an hour of mealtime. "Old employees can sort out more than 10,000 pieces a night. Although I am a novice, I can do seven or eight thousand pieces a night."

Low temperature, night shifts, standing for a long time ... Some people can't adapt to the new working environment, and only 20 people stay after one month. Chen Leyi is one of them. At the beginning, Chen Leyi made the worst plan, and he planned to get a basic salary of only 2,000 yuan. To his surprise, he got the same salary as before when he was a shared employee. "Although a bit busy and tired, many people who are still unable to work are very envious of the opportunity we have."

Compared to the cold winter in the catering industry, the fresh food e-commerce industry has ushered in "spring". As a fresh-food e-commerce platform operating company established in August 2014, the food delivery and fresh-food delivery orders actually increased three times after the holiday.

On January 28, as a key enterprise to ensure the supply of "vegetable baskets" for citizens during the Suzhou epidemic prevention and control, Food Bank Fresh Food officially resumed work one day earlier than in previous years, and the first batch of 1,540 sites in 3 cities including Suzhou, Shanghai and Wuxi were restored.

"Affected by the epidemic, many roads have been closed, and front-line business production and distribution personnel cannot return to work in time, so there is a shortage of staff." Yong Panpan, deputy manager of human resources at Food Bank, said that although more than 700 front-line employees resumed work, Since the number of orders is several times the original, more than 700 employees are not enough. Zhang Hongliang, the founder of Shixing Fresh, noticed the "pause" of many traditional catering companies, and was ready to "borrow staff" with them.

In order to ensure the health and safety of service personnel, they require that "shared employees" must be employees of large enterprises or well-known enterprises in Suzhou who are well-managed, have no history of epidemic exposure, and hold health certificates.

The best of both worlds

On January 29, Food Bank Fresh Food successively approached Suzhou Xinmeihua Catering, Suzhou Meiklan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., and Suzhou Goods City Distribution Co., Ltd. to discuss "seconding" employees from Suzhou to join the production line and work together. Guarantee the supply of "vegetable baskets" for citizens. In addition, there are also companies that come to inspect the working environment.

The "Shared Employees" program was unanimously recognized. On February 3, the first batch of more than 30 "shared employees" officially came to the food bank fresh production operation. Among them, employees of catering companies such as Xinmeihua are mainly responsible for sorting and packaging in production areas, and employees of distribution companies such as urban goods are mainly responsible for distribution.

According to the agreement between the two parties, the food bank fresh food and Xinmeihua are “cooperation with the public”, and the wages are settled by the food bank fresh produce, and are uniformly handed over to the original company, which is distributed to the employees. Depending on the type of work, room and board, the hourly salary of Fresh Food for shared employees is 20 to 25 yuan per hour. The original company was responsible for the employees' five insurances and one fund. Food Bank Fresh bought 1 year of accident insurance for shared employees.

Before taking up the job, the food bank freshmen gave them simple training. The "shared employees" also all passed the food bank freshmen's strict epidemic period investigations, temperature detection, and protective measures training. After passing the test, they can wear masks, Hair sets and work clothes.

In the past month, more than 200 people were “seconded” by the Fresh Food Company, bringing the return rate of frontline employees to over 85%. At present, Fresh Food Fresh has restored 1668 stations in Beijing, Shanghai and Suzhou. Among them, 1,103 sites restored in Suzhou have achieved "two deployments a day."

Yong Panpan believes that "shared employees" will help enterprises increase their production capacity in the short term. At the same time, this also brings more thinking to human resources work, "is a new attempt in the future employment methods, and accumulate experience for cross-border cooperation between enterprises."

If the freshness of the food bank is "external adjustment", Suzhou Aipu Group has carried out "internal adjustment".

On January 25, Suzhou New Town Garden Hotel, which was supposed to usher in the peak of the Spring Festival order, began to stop checking in for individual guests. Except for more than 50 employees who are responsible for maintaining the daily service of more than 40 long-stay residents, the remaining 230 employees can only “live at home”.

"The hotel is almost closed, and the employees are a bit flustered. In the past few days, the staff of the human resources management department had never stopped calling. They all came to inquire about the situation." Said Zhang Yayue, executive deputy general manager of Xincheng Garden Hotel. At this time, Aipu Electric Co., Ltd., which is also a subsidiary of Aipu Group, encountered another situation: the company's vacuum cleaners and small household appliances production lines, because foreign employees could not return to Suzhou in time, the production line appeared to be in short supply.

Jin Wei, deputy general manager of Suzhou Aipu Group, said that according to statistics, less than 10% of employees can be resumed on each production line on February 10.

"The shortage of workers puts us at risk of not being able to deliver orders on time." On February 8th, Jin Wei had no intention of seeing the news. A company from Shanghai adopted a "shared employee" to help the company overcome the difficulties. Inspired by this, he thought that some employees in the hotel and catering industry within the group could be temporarily transferred to the home appliance production line.

This plan was quickly adopted in the internal meeting of the group and was supported by the government of Shishan Hengtang Street, Suzhou High-tech Zone. On February 9th, the registration notice of "shared staff" appeared in the human resources information group of Aip Group, and everyone can sign up voluntarily. Three days later, Zhang Yayue, executive deputy general manager of Xincheng Garden Hotel, led more than 200 hotel employees to report to the front line of vacuum cleaner production. After half a day of theoretical study and half a day of practical training, they officially started working.

"On the first day, our production line produced 530 vacuum cleaners. In the past two weeks, our working condition has become better and better. On February 28, the production line produced 993 units." Facing the "transition", Zhang Yayue felt quite fulfilled. Today, employees not only get their monthly salary when working in a hotel, they also get a certain allowance. Since March 1, the allowance has increased.

Legal risks deserve attention

Interviews with reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily found that "shared employees" seem to have the best of both worlds, but there are also concerns among companies. A person in charge of a Sunan company said that taking into account issues such as labor and social security, there are employment risks. "If not agreed in advance, there will be legal risks in the later stages."

In addition, "borrowed" employees will also make it more difficult for enterprises to prevent and control the epidemic.

Lawyer Fan Guomin of Jiangsu Law Law Firm believes that “shared staff” is mistaken for many people as a new thing because of its novel nouns. But legally speaking, it is essentially a borrowed labor pattern in the traditional employment pattern.

Specifically, an agreement is signed between the employers to export workers from the lending unit to the borrowing unit within a certain period of time. The workers (that is, shared employees) accept the management of the borrowing unit during the secondment and complete the work tasks assigned by the seconding unit. After the expiry of the term, the worker returns to the original unit, and the original unit assumes the labor law obligations to the worker. Prior to this, secondments were more common in enterprise groups and related enterprises for employment needs such as business cooperation and project communication, and the exporting unit must not use this employment mode for business purposes.

Fan Guomin explained that in the secondment relationship or "shared employee" employment relationship, the "shared employee" and the lent unit constitute a labor relationship; the "shared employee" and the borrowed unit constitute a labor relationship; The relationship constitutes a civil contract. Previously, Xibei and Hema Fresh also cooperated. "In the announcement of Hema Fresh, we can also see that Hema and the employees of the restaurant company signed labor contracts and paid labor compensation."

According to Article 43 (3) of the "Injury Insurance Regulations": if an employee is injured by an industrial accident during secondment, the original employer shall bear the liability for work injury insurance, but the original employer and the seconded unit may agree on compensation measures.

Therefore, if a “shared employee” has a work-related injury during secondment, the leasing unit shall be responsible for reporting the work-related injury and the liability for work-related injury insurance. Reduce the interests of employees at work.

Fan Guomin pointed out that in the future "shared employees" may become a major change in the supply of human resources. He suggested that the companies should agree on the responsibilities and rights of both parties, especially the management system, safeguard measures, legal risks and responsibility ownership. Lending enterprises should avoid the risks of "named secondment and actual dispatch." Borrowing enterprises can also pass on some labor service risks by purchasing commercial insurance.

Intern Qin Yue, China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Li Chao Source: China Youth Daily