Cabinet decision on amendment of law to regulate the export of fruit seeds and seedlings overseas 12:29 on March 3

The government passed a cabinet decision on March 3 to amend a law regulating the export of fruit seeds and seedlings overseas.

Criminal penalties will be imposed in malicious cases to prevent new varieties such as fruits developed in the country from leaking overseas.

The proposed amendment will restrict developers from growing seeds and saplings abroad for fruits and other products registered in the country as new varieties, so that developers can limit the areas where new varieties are grown.

On the other hand, if you bring it abroad, you will be subject to an injunction claim, and criminal penalties will be imposed in malicious cases.

Under the current law, registered varieties are protected as intellectual property in the country, but they can be taken freely in countries and regions that have entered into international treaties that protect seeds and seedlings.

Therefore, if varieties are not registered overseas, cultivation will spread and competing in overseas markets has become an issue.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is aiming to pass the amendment in the current Diet, and by enhancing the brand value of Japanese agricultural products and promoting exports by protecting the rights of developers of new varieties and preventing them from flowing overseas. I want to connect to.