China News Network, March 1st (Shenhai) The epidemic of new crown pneumonia is spreading in dozens of countries and regions around the world, the global epidemic prevention and control situation is escalating, and the number of countries affected by the epidemic continues to increase. The well-known private enterprise Fosun Group urgently allocated the first wholesale of 36,000 pieces of protective supplies to Japan arrived at Tokyo Narita Airport on March 1, including masks and goggles that can enter the "red zone" of the hospital, as well as protective clothing, shoe covers, gloves, Medical surgical masks, etc., support Japan's fight against the epidemic.

These materials were raised by Fosun from the United States, France, and Israel in the previous stage. Fosun officially launched the second phase of the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Through emergency deployment of global resources, it assisted Japan, South Korea, Italy and other countries and regions to fight the epidemic.

Fosun urgently allocated 36,000 pieces of protective supplies to Japan to support Japan's fight against the epidemic. Photo courtesy of Fosun Group

In addition to emergency deployment of medical supplies to assist Japan, Fosun is also sending partners to provide medical products needed to South Korea as quickly as possible to help South Korea fight the epidemic. At the same time, Fosun also deployed 5,000 masks that can enter the "red zone" of hospitals through ClubMed, PAREF and other companies in Europe to support epidemic prevention and control in Milan and other places.

On February 28, the World Health Organization raised the global risk level of new crown pneumonia to "very high" from the previous "high". Japan ’s Hokkaido government announced on the same day that the region had entered a state of emergency from that day until March 9 and called on all residents to avoid going out this weekend. Some scholars have pointed out that strengthening cooperation is a top priority for global epidemic prevention and control.

Since the outbreak occurred in Wuhan, China and other places, neighboring countries such as Japan have taken the lead in helping out. As Japan enters the critical period for the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, on February 29, the Chinese Embassy in Japan announced that following the recent delivery of a batch of virus detection kits to Japan by the Chinese government, the Chinese government will also send batches to Japan in the near future. Donated 5,000 sets of protective clothing and 100,000 masks, of which the first two batches of materials have arrived in Tokyo on February 27 and 28.

Fosun urgently allocated 36,000 pieces of protective supplies to Japan to support Japan's fight against the epidemic. Photo courtesy of Fosun Group

Fosun's global anti-epidemic operation was directly co-ordinated and directed by Guo Guangchang, chairman of Fosun International and co-chairman Wang Qunbin.

"In today's era of the" Community of Human Destiny ", the epidemic of new crown pneumonia has spread to the whole world. The virus has been targeted regardless of skin color and race. It is the common enemy of all human beings. The fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic is no longer just a The matter of a country and a government is something that the whole world must work for together. "Guo Guangchang said that in the past month, we have deployed materials globally to support China's resistance to the epidemic, and also to prevent the epidemic from spreading further. "Although the epidemic in China has gradually come under control, with the outbreak of the world, we know that we can no longer survive alone. We are going to help countries and people in need."

Guo Guangchang said that with the further escalation of the global epidemic prevention and control, as a global enterprise rooted in China, Fosun will do its best to support the global anti-epidemic, and send urgently needed protective materials and medical products to the places where it is most needed. Helping countries and people in need.

Up to now, Fosun has set up a total of 12 regional anti-epidemic working groups, including ten in China and two overseas. The thirteenth regional anti-epidemic working group, the South Korean regional anti-epidemic working group, is also under construction.

Guo Guangchang proposed that in the context of the global spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, in addition to fighting the virus, it is more important to protect the global employees and customers. "Fosun has mobilized global material resources and provided adequate protection for our employees and customers. At the same time, as a technology-driven enterprise, we still maintain efficient operations with digital tools. We hope that every Every employee and every customer is healthy, happy, and prosperous. "

At present, Fosun's anti-epidemic working groups in Japan, Italy and other places are being carried out in an orderly manner, and their companies have stepped up their efforts to prevent the epidemic: the implementation of IDERA in Japan ’s local team includes shifting working hours, daily recording of employee departures, Preventive measures including infection, and call on employees to avoid eating in crowded places to maximize the health and safety of employees; Italian local team PAREF Milan Office has required employees to work from home, and also notified MEDELAN project site workers to take precautions To ensure that the project engineering transformation is carried out as usual under the premise of safety and order; at the same time, the needs of employees in Japan and Italy's local enterprises for epidemic prevention materials have been summarized, and the civilian material transportation and support operations of the Group Headquarters have also begun to do everything possible to ensure Employee safety during the outbreak.

On New Year's Eve on January 24, Fosun started the urgent task of the global material deployment plan using the global industry and team layout. As of 02:00 on February 22, Fosun has shipped and shipped 1.01 million pieces of protective clothing, 1.24 million masks, 75,000 pairs of goggles, 110,000 pairs of medical gloves and a total of 2.435 million pieces of medical protective materials, plus 470 ventilators, The vast majority have arrived at the front line of China's epidemic prevention and control. At the same time, Fosun's hospitals and a large number of medical staff are still fighting on the front line. (Finish)