Donghu Review: Doing More Together to Draw Concentric Circles for Online and Offline Epidemic Prevention and Control

During the epidemic, a game of chess was held throughout the country, and the entire people mobilized. In addition to the fighters fighting on the front line, the people almost entered a unified state of "home is to contribute". Cyberspace. As a new space for production and living, a new home for the spirit of netizens, and a new area of ​​national governance, its importance can be summarized as "lead a net to promote the overall situation."

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "The current situation of epidemic prevention and control is grim and complex. Some people have anxiety and fear. Publicity and public opinion work must be strengthened. Coordinate online and offline, domestic and international affairs, and major events. Better confidence, warmth, and people's hearts. ", To better maintain the stability of the overall society," and pointed out the ways to do a good job in cyberspace governance in epidemic prevention and control. We must take the lead in cyberspace, strengthen the positive energy on the Internet, do not believe rumors or rumors, actively respond to the concerns of the masses, and draw a concentric circle for the prevention and control of outbreaks on and off the Internet.

Unify the mind and consolidate the positive energy of the network. To overcome the epidemic, confidence is more precious than gold. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we need to let the masses know more about what the party and government are doing and what to do." This is the source of confidence and the key task that must be firmly grasped in the work of propaganda and public opinion. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the central media and local media have made a strong voice. We have seen stories of fresh activists among party organizations at all levels and the broad masses of party members, medical workers, PLA commanders, and the general public. Tears and tears are even more stimulating, adding great social positive energy to the fight against the epidemic.

Prevent and control rumors and maintain a clean air in cyberspace. In the Internet era, to prevent the generation and spread of rumors, it is necessary to be good at transmitting authoritative information and create a clean Internet space. We should unite our will and take the initiative to block rumors and not disturb the overall situation of epidemic prevention. Relevant government departments should actively respond to social concerns and release epidemic information as soon as possible, so that the general public can understand the facts and solve doubts as soon as possible; the propaganda department must efficiently integrate traditional and emerging media and disseminate scientific epidemic prevention knowledge. And publicize and report the advanced individuals and outstanding models that emerged in the epidemic prevention work; the majority of netizens must abide by laws and regulations, respect the facts, strengthen rational judgment, and be good "propagandists" for scientific prevention and control of the epidemic; Severely crack down on producers and disseminators of rumors.

Actively respond to the reasonable demands of the masses online. The epidemic prevention and control is complex and rigorous. From sanitation and epidemic prevention, medical treatment to closed management of residential quarters, it will inevitably have a certain degree of impact on the daily lives of citizens. Actively responding to the concerns of the masses is a practical action in the spirit of General Secretary Jinping ’s important speech, and is also a concrete measure to implement the original mission. Relevant departments should actively respond to the reasonable demands of the masses on the Internet, face up to the existing problems, strengthen the interaction between the government and the people online and offline, and consolidate the consensus through the whole process of information disclosure. should.

At present, the situation of national epidemic prevention and control is developing in a positive and positive situation, but the epidemic situation in Hubei Province, especially Wuhan is still complicated and severe. At such a critical moment, we must resolutely implement the spirit of General Secretary Jinping ’s important speech, take the overall situation into account, grasp the general situation, and take multiple measures to draw a concentric circle for the prevention and control of epidemics on and off the Internet. .

Author: Yanghui Juan