At the microphone of Europe 1, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, Secretary of State for Transport, returned to the epidemic of coronavirus, which is spreading all over the world and which affects France where 130 cases have been identified. He says that if the time is not for restrictions on public transport, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari says that the government "is preparing for any eventuality".


The coronavirus is spread all over the world. According to the latest report available on Monday, the virus has caused the death of 3,000 people and is present in more than sixty countries ... including France. The Minister of Health Olivier Véran also announced Saturday that France was at "stage 2" of the epidemic, causing the cancellation of events gathering more than 5,000 people in a confined space. But what about transportation? At the microphone of Europe 1, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, Secretary of State for Transport, first reminds that the measures put in place are information measures.

>> READ ALSO - LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday March 2

"Also, measures of equipment", continues the secretary of state, affirming that the SNCF has stocks of masks and hydroalcoholic gels. "And then what are called continuity plans: we prepare the epidemic phase if it happens. This would allow, in a somewhat maximalist version, line restrictions".

If France were to go to phase 3, then it would be possible to consider restrictions on transport, depending on the geography or by prioritizing certain lines. "Phase 3 is a so-called epidemic phase where the virus circulates (...) treatment is based on health management measures. But we are always preparing in the transport world for any eventuality. Transport restrictions could be envisaged in this case".

>> More information to follow ...