China News Agency, Shanghai, March 1st (Reporter Jiang Yu) On March 1, reporters learned from Shanghai's "2020 Citywide Business Work Conference (telephone and telephone conference)" that Shanghai's business and economic operation in 2019 will continue to maintain a good development trend, and society A number of indicators such as the total retail sales of consumer goods are at the forefront of the country, and the scale of foreign investment has reached a record high.

Xu Kunlin, deputy mayor of Shanghai, attended the meeting. Shang Yuying, deputy secretary-general of the municipal government presided over the meeting, and Hua Yuan, director of the Municipal Commercial Committee, made a report on the city's business work.

In 2019, the total retail sales of consumer goods in Shanghai will be 1.35 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 6.5%, and the scale will steadily rank first among cities in the country. City status; new foreign investment projects, contract foreign investment, and actual foreign investment increased by 21.5%, 7.1%, and 10.1%, respectively. The actual foreign investment reached US $ 19.048 billion, a record high; China ’s foreign direct investment in Shanghai was 14 billion The US dollar ranks second in the country.

In addition, the energy level of the Shanghai exhibition industry has steadily improved in 2019, and the area of ​​the exhibition hall and the number of the world's top 100 exhibitions rank first in the world's convention and exhibition cities.

It is reported that in 2020, Shanghai's commercial work will focus on two areas of work: first, to fight epidemic prevention and fight against the epidemic, prevent and control the pneumonia epidemic of the new type of coronavirus infection; . This year, Shanghai will continue to build an international consumer city, cultivate new momentum for foreign trade development, build a new open economy system, and continue to amplify the spillover-driven effects of the China International Import Expo. (Finish)