[International Criticism] Why the so-called "China collapsed" demon rumor went bankrupt again?

For decades, some western scholars and the media have repeatedly predicted the so-called "China collapse" moments for narrow political purposes, but they have failed again and again. After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, they seem to feel they have seized the opportunity again, comparing it to China's "Chernobyl moment", speculating that the Chinese system lacks the ability to respond to public health emergencies, and then "depress the country" .

As a result, they were disappointed again!

On the 28th, the number of newly diagnosed cases in Hubei Province except Hubei dropped to 4 cases. Resumption of work and production in various places are beginning in an accurate and orderly manner. The "China-WHO New Coronary Virus Pneumonia (COVID-19) Joint Inspection Report" released on the same day pointed out that China has adopted "the bravest, most flexible and most proactive" prevention and control measures in history, which has effectively cut off the virus. The route of transmission provides important experience for the global response to new coronary pneumonia.

Such a conclusion has once again disfigured the "predicted bankrupt" and also caused some analysts to re-examine and judge the Chinese system.

ABC Network posted a question on the 27th: What if the Chinese Communist Party has taught us all in the end, what can we do? After such anxious questions, the article begins a rational reflection: consider how China responds to the crown The virus epidemic, and then ask ourselves if we are also so efficient? The Chinese government can prove that some people's prediction that the virus is China's "Chernobyl moment" is wrong, "Beijing will tell you what is the secret of China's success."

What is the secret of China's success? As analyzed in the article, from the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, to the construction of a hospital dedicated to treating patients in Wuhan in just one week, to the adoption of unprecedented prevention and control measures Obviously, institutional advantages have played a key role in this. This system advantage not only helped the Chinese people to effectively control the epidemic for more than a month, but also made a significant contribution to global public health security.

Recently, when China's top leader Xi Jinping talked with foreign leaders on the phone, met with foreign guests, or wrote to foreign friends, he emphasized the concept of "community of fate" and pointed out that overcoming epidemics related to the safety and security of peoples of all countries, solidarity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons; The Chinese side gives full play to its institutional advantages, and uses its strength across the country to take the most comprehensive, rigorous, and thorough prevention and control measures, not only safeguarding the lives and health of the Chinese people, but also highly responsible for global public health security. In this regard, UN Secretary-General Guterres commented that the Chinese people have made huge sacrifices for the prevention and control of the epidemic and "they are contributing to all mankind."

In fact, whether the system is good or not is not to say by mouth, but to test it through practice. Every time a major emergency is dealt with, it is a test of the country's system. It is in the process of coping with and successfully solving the crisis again and again that China's institutional advantages have been brought into full play, and it has become increasingly vital.

The virus has no national borders. While testing the Chinese system, it also tests the western democratic system. With the spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in dozens of countries and regions around the world, WHO Director-General Tan Desai raised the global risk level of the epidemic from "high" to "very high" on the 28th. He confessed that areas outside China are now the biggest worry, emphasizing that no country should have the fluke that no cases will occur in its own country, and all countries should formulate a "comprehensive" epidemic prevention and control plan.

However, at the critical moment of global epidemic prevention and control, some western media are still politicizing. For example, the "New York Times" clamored for "Democratic nations do not block cities", and the American "Atlantic Monthly" website article said that "Democratic nations are better at dealing with outbreaks." However, what is the truth? Take the United States as an example. Regarding the judgment of the local epidemic of new pneumonia in the United States, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and the White House have expressed mixed opinions and the information is confusing. ...

What's even more outrageous is that on February 19, the University of California, Davis Medical Center accepted a referral patient who was intubating at the time and equipped with a ventilator. However, when the school applied for the US Centers for Disease Control and Approval to perform nucleic acid testing on patients, it was told that it did not meet the center's standards and could not be tested. It was not approved until February 23, which took nearly a week. Could it be that this "unpredictable" approach is a better way for democracies to deal with the epidemic?

In contrast, it is also a "democracy country" in the West. Italy has recently adopted the "Wuhan model" and adopted closed management measures for cities with concentrated outbreaks.

The epidemic has become a public enemy of mankind. To overcome it, science, rationality, solidarity and cooperation are needed. This is why WHO is calling on the world to learn from China's experience and act quickly. Just as Bruce Elward, WHO's senior adviser, concluded after a 9-day visit to China, "China's method is the only method we currently know that has proven successful." The decisive moment in epidemic prevention and control, politicizing the epidemic, declining it, and slandering China will not only prevent the spread of the virus, but will miss out on opportunities for prevention and control. The demon is confusing and difficult to last. Putting down political prejudices and replacing them with scientific spirit, modest reference, and cooperative action are the top priorities for preventing the spread of the epidemic. This is what the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Network post warned at the end:

"We depend on each other."

(International Critics Reviewer)