(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) "China's Children's Clothing Capital" Revives: New Model of "House Broadcasting" Sprouting in Epidemic Situation

China News Agency, Huzhou, Zhejiang, March 2 (Shi Zinan) Zhili Town, Wuxing, Zhejiang is known as "China's Children's Wear Capital". There are 350,000 migrants here, and annual sales of children's clothing exceed 50 billion yuan (RMB). Under the epidemic situation, people are afraid to come and not to come. The contradiction between epidemic prevention and resumption of work and re-production has made Zhili never tangled like this.

In this case, the live broadcast of "cloud selling goods" has injected a boost into children's clothing sales. "Due to the epidemic, we have broadcasters who are unable to return to work live broadcast at home." Said Liao Qiuhu, the person in charge of Weiying Taobao Live Broadcasting. This is a new model under the influence of the epidemic-"home broadcast".

"We ask the manufacturers to send samples to the anchor, and the anchor will directly ship the orders after the order is placed in the live broadcast room." Liao Qiuhu said that most of the children's clothing sold by live broadcast are new spring clothing that has been produced before the festival, but most workers have Upon arrival, some children's clothing companies' production work will be affected.

At present, there are nearly 400 Zhili children's clothing companies cooperating with Weiying Taobao Live, and every day, new companies want to take a "live" free ride.

"The 45 home appliance companies in our industrial park have now resumed work." Zhao Jun, general manager of the local Yongxin Zhongchuang Space, told reporters that the park is still organizing network training, preparing to create more network anchors, and continue to force live sales. (Finish)