A report confirmed yesterday that the Emirates Energy Strategy, during the next three decades, and its goal of raising the efficiency of individual and institutional consumption by 40%, and raising the contribution of clean energy to the total energy mix in the country to 50%, and achieving savings equivalent to 700 billion dirhams until 2050, It is an exceptional challenge, which deserves to have during the year 2020 an educational program in which all sectors participate, to make clean energy a general national culture in which the peaceful nuclear plant occupies a central position to promote sustainability in the national economy, and in the goals of development, happiness and stability.

The report stressed the importance of witnessing in 2020, sectoral partnerships programmed to build a renewed societal culture about the concepts of sustainability, and the role of the peaceful nuclear plant "Barakah" which is preparing for work, which contributes to promoting sustainability by expanding dependence on clean energy, which constitutes a fundamental pillar in the guarantees package. Sustaining growth, diversification and leadership in the national economy.

The target energy mix by 2050 is to raise the contribution of clean energy, including the peaceful nuclear plant, from 25% to 50%, with investments amounting to 600 billion dirhams, in order to ensure not only an annual growth in demand reward of 6%, but also to ensure that the mix Clean renewable, nuclear and fossil energy, striking a balance between economic needs and environmental goals.

An awareness program to make clean energy a national public culture in 2020.