[Explanation] The China-Europe Train (Chengdu), which started in 2013, is one of the busiest international trains in China. Since the new crown pneumonia outbreak, China's transportation industry has continued to suffer. However, as of February 17, the China-Europe Railway (Chengdu) has opened 198 trains in 2020, the number of traffic has increased without a decrease, an increase of 80% over the same period last year, and the goods cover electronics, automobiles, clothing, wood, etc.

On February 21, the reporter came to the Chengdu International Railway Port in Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu, and saw that trucks entering and leaving the railway port one after another. The entrance must be temperature-measured and the entire vehicle disinfected before entering. In the container yard, a huge gantry crane is lifting the container, a busy scene.

Li Chengyuan, the relevant person in charge of Chengdu International Railway Train Co., Ltd., told reporters that during the epidemic, China Europe Railway (Chengdu) docked with governments, customs and railway operators of overseas countries along the route in advance, and changed the overseas policy of controlling train transport materials, import and export Conditions and requirements, in accordance with the "people's livelihood priority, public priority, industry priority" principle, in conjunction with customs, railways and other departments, priority to ensure the resumption of work related to people's livelihood and the transport of epidemic prevention materials.

[Same Period] Li Chengyuan, Relevant Person in Charge of Chengdu International Railway Train Co., Ltd.

However, the detection of railways is very strict. You may be much stricter when you go from the goods to the railways. Disinfection must first understand the origin of the goods. If the goods come from the high-incidence areas, they will be correct. Carry out detailed inspections to ensure that the goods must be delivered safely to the station.

[Explanation] Li Chengyuan also said that because of the impact of the epidemic, some manufacturing and electronic goods suitable for road transportation and air transportation are gradually being transferred to the railway transportation field. Long Qubo, the head of the logistics center of Chengdu International Land Port Operation Co., Ltd., told reporters that the current China-Europe train (Chengdu) outbound train is operating steadily and the return train is growing steadily.

[Same Period] Long Qubo, Head of Logistics Center, Chengdu International Land Port Operation Co., Ltd.

On the one hand, the overseas orders of CEIBS have continued to increase, on the one hand, because some customers who previously used air, sea and road transportation may be hindered by the impact of the epidemic, and then switch to rail transportation. This is the order that does not decrease. A factor that reverses growth.

[Explanation] In the Chengdu Railway Depot of China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Zhong Junlan, 36, is the train driver of the China Europe Railway (Chengdu) and he is preparing for the next departure. Zhong Junlan told reporters that during the epidemic, the China-Europe Railway (Chengdu) transportation team was completely closed and he had not returned home for a long time.

[Same Period] Zhong Junlan, Train Driver of China Europe Railway (Chengdu)

During the epidemic period, in order to ensure that the China-Europe trains can operate smoothly and normally, our China-Europe train trains are all under closed management. That is to say, after we leave the unit, and then reach the transfer point, we will be directly in the apartment, and we will not be able to return home. Ca n’t go out, and then stay in the unit after returning to the unit. If we ca n’t go out, we ca n’t go home. This prevents us from getting infected during the process of going home, which causes the China-Europe train to operate abnormally. During the epidemic, the operation of the China-Europe Railway was the same as in peacetime and was not affected in any way.

Reporter He Zheng reports from Chengdu

Editor-in-chief: [Wang Kai]