Moving to another city for a career is a big step.
"Job-related mobility comes with costs and benefits ... but for many people the benefits do not exceed costs," said German recruitment expert Sebastian Bayer.

The decision often depends on individual circumstances. "For some, it is not a great deal to move to another place for the job," says German professional coach Volker Klaierschen.

And if a person is at the beginning of his career, the decision is definitely easier. "If you don't have children, property or a partner, it will be a nice opportunity to move in for a new job," says Clairechen.

Bayer agrees, saying that young employees in particular can benefit from changing places. This flexibility can lead to faster income increases.

But moving to a new job can be good for a career regardless of your level of professional experience, says Bayer. "Demonstrating resilience often has a more positive impact on employers than on the job ladder," he says.

Of course, Bayer says, changing places is also risky. It is impossible to predict how the new job will look, so one should try to collect as much information as possible in advance.

And you should especially think about all the practical implications. "I often work with clients who make the decision to move to another city where wages are higher but they forget that the cost of living is usually much higher, too," says Clairechen.
According to Bayer, the psychological makeup also plays a role. He advises that one be frank with himself and his expectations.

Before making a decision, different scenarios such as: What would really happen if some things go well? What do I do if I find that the job is not what I was looking for? Am I really clear about what I'm headed for?

"Changing a place should fit your personal life as much as a job," says German recruitment expert Heinz Ostermann.

For example, moving from Paris to London for a big job might look good on paper at first, "but if the husband, wife or children don't want to go and the whole family is unhappy, this will also negatively affect your job performance."