It is clarified that the scheme is that after the borrower is given the money, the lender disappears - and for a long time the debtor simply has no one to pay the debt. Later, the lender sues to pay the entire amount with interest immediately.

Vlasov explained that the victims of credit fraud, as a rule, are people in financial difficulties.

“When people need money, they don’t look very carefully at what agreements they sign and what is written in them,” the expert said.

He advised against borrowing money from individuals and microfinance organizations.

The expert also offers to carefully look at the contract and how the money back system is written in it and what actions should be taken if the organization or person does not answer the calls.

“Money in such organizations should be taken with two witnesses who will record that you took the money in this place,” Vlasov recommends.

He also said that victims of fraudulent schemes should seek help from law enforcement agencies.

“In a month you come to pay part of the debt with the same two witnesses who will record that you came, called, but this person was not there. Next, you should turn to your local policeman with a request to open a case of potential fraud, ”the expert concluded.

Earlier, the Central Bank spoke about the emergence of a new scheme of credit fraud.