• Agriculture: Employment sinks in the countryside and the government blames supermarkets

The protests of the field arrive this Wednesday in Madrid. Hundreds of farmers and ranchers are summoned by the main organizations of the sector to a concentration of protest in front of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to denounce the "terrible" situation that crosses the sector.

The demonstration brings together farmers and ranchers from all the communities in the country, where they have also been holding protests for days. The concentration of this Wednesday takes place in a climate of tranquility and with a vindictive tone, with banners that read slogans such as "Without countryside there is no life" or "Without the countryside, the city does not eat".

The act is framed within the calendar of mobilizations that are taking to the streets of all Spain to the professionals of the field under the motto # AgricultoresAlLímite with the aim of reflecting "the lack of future" for their farms due, mainly, to the decline cost effectiveness.

They denounce the conditions they have to face in the market and ask the Government for solutions to alleviate the situation. Specifically, the workers will ask the Ministry to work "to rebalance the agri-food chain, so that they do not allow the abuses they suffer from some companies in industry and distribution and to fight for a fair CAP."

Among its demands are also "the claim for a strong agricultural insurance system, which manages wildlife and compensates for the problems it causes." They also ask for support for the sector, in addition to "promoting transparent labeling and paying special attention to vulnerable sectors such as beekeeping."

The Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas, has pledged to give more funds for agricultural insurance and to monitor the evolution of product prices. In addition, he has announced that he will meet with representatives of the large distribution in the country to try to integrate them into the solution to the problem.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Luis Planas
  • economy

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ProfileAngel García Blanco, the union leader who predicted that the rise of the SMI would bring a serious conflict in the countryside