
The government plans to respond more strongly to illegal activities in the real estate transaction process. We will set up counters for illegal acts in the real estate market, and will also monitor penalties for house prices and donations of crime, and even criminalize them.

Reporter Jung Sung-jin reports.


This is a notice attached to an apartment elevator in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do.

Under the heading 'Our Valuable Property, Let's Protect', we have recently quoted the actual selling price, the internet price, and the prices of the apartments around each apartment area.

[○○ Apartment Tenant: (Owner) At the gathering, 'Let's get it up to this point', it was officially attached to the elevator. People like me who really want to live here don't have a chance to buy it.]

It is a kind of house price fixing, and from 21st, they will be sentenced to three years' imprisonment and fined up to 30 million won.

[Choi Eun-young / Korea Urban Research Institute: 'Do not sell below any price' and keep raising the price. Many apartments are not selling because of the price. If you sell the price for only one or two, it's because it works. .]

Investigating the source of home purchase funds will also be strengthened.

In particular, in case of housing transactions exceeding KRW 900 million in the overheated district, we will thoroughly examine the evidence submitted with the funding plan to screen for the provision of shortcuts and violations of regulations.

If we suspect abnormal financing, we decided to conduct an investigation before the deal was finalized to check the entire transaction, including mid-payments and balance payments.

[Seoul Yangcheon-gu real estate agent: I do not need proof in the past. If you prove it (at the government), you have to prove it then. (Now) parents can't use it. .]

The 60-day deadline for reporting real estate transactions is reduced to 30 days, and so-called 'bilateral transactions' that report real transactions as if they were signed without a real contract are subject to a fine of up to 30 million won.

On the 21st, the government will establish 'Real Estate Market Counterfeit Response Group' under the Ministry of Land, Ministry of Land, and Home Affairs under the control tower to supervise illegal property real estate.

(Video coverage: Kim Heung-sik, Park Dong-ryul, Video editing: Hwang Ji-young)