There have never been so many apprentices! The year 2019 will mark a record, according to figures which will be confirmed Tuesday at midday. Companies are looking for apprentices in all fields, and are also interested in increasingly qualified profiles.

"I had a promise to hire three months before the end of my apprenticeship. Once the exams were completed, in the process, the next day I was in a permanent contract," said Baptiste, 21, to whom one year of apprenticeship was enough to sign a permanent contract with Air France. Like him, 2,700 young people apprenticed with the airline last year. A figure multiplied by three in 7 years, and a success for learning found in all areas. Companies are looking for more and more qualified profiles ... and even sometimes already graduates.

"Reassuring for the employer"

At Aéroport de Paris, apprentices are 60% more than 4 years ago and more than half have at least a bac + 5 ... A proportion that is also found with the AXA insurer who sees in the 'learning an excellent recruitment channel, especially for the most qualified profiles, whose teaching is sometimes too far from the field.

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"Apprenticeship is the best way to be in employment: you already have work and business experience and that is reassuring for the employer," explains Frédérique Bouvier, recruitment manager at the insurer. "It allows you to get out of a theoretical vision and go towards the practical experience of business life, which has its codes and that young people historically knew little about."

Recruiting with confidence is also what appeals to companies like BNP Paribas and Decathlon, where 44% of apprentices sign a permanent contract at the end of their training.