Judge Manuel García Castellón maintains that BBVA tried "against the fundamental rights" of the enemies he ordered to investigate when hiring Commissioner José Manuel Villarejo in exchange for 10.2 million euros. The instructor considers it already accredited that the bank commissioned the former senior police officer to monitor, intercept communications and spy on bank accounts.

In a car to which EL MUNDO has had access, the holder of the Court of Instruction number 6 of the National Court assures that it has already accredited how the financial entity, under the presidency of Francisco González, commissioned " the development of multiple intelligence services and / o of investigation of patrimonial character "to the ex-high police command jailed in Estremera.

These services had an " illicit character in response to the incompatibility of the orders assumed by its business network Cenyt with its status as an active police officer." Which would be constitutive, according to the instructor, of a crime of "passive bribery."

But it is that, in addition, the judge continues, "in the development of the provision of the contracted services", there was an " interference in the fundamental rights of the people " whenever "their communications were accessed, they were taken carry out personal follow-up or access to your bank documentation ". All these behaviors are constitutive for the instructor of the 'Villarejo case' of "multiple crimes of discovery and disclosure of secrets."

This "multiple contracting" to Villarejo was carried out by BBVA " in exchange for large sums of money , with payments being placed in the accounts of the mercantile Club Exclusivo de Negocios y Transacciones, SL, for a total amount of 10,284,689.30 euros. " A money that "would have its origin in the provision of services by that to the BBVA entity".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • José Manuel Villarejo
  • National audience
  • Corruption

Courts The judge agrees to extend the secret of actions on BBVA's contracts with Villarejo

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