NY Stock Market Again Highs, Middle East Concerns Retreat, January 10 at 6:47

The New York Stock Market on Thursday saw buybacks gather as tensions in the Middle East eased, and the Dow Jones average hit a new high for the first time in five days.

The New York Stock Exchange Dow Jones average closing price was $ 21.81 on the 9th, $ 28.95 on the previous day, up from $ 28.95 for the first time in five days.

In addition, Nasdaq, which has many IT-related stocks, and "S & P500", which consists of a wider range of stocks, have finished trading at the highest prices.

On the day, buying orders gathered as tensions in the Middle East eased, and individual stocks rose to the highest level after reportedly increasing sales in China, as did Boeing's sharp rise. And boosted the overall stock price.

In addition, Trump's policy of urgently negotiating trade negotiations with China also helped investors feel comfortable.

Market officials said, `` Since last summer, stock prices have repeatedly renewed their highs in an accommodative financial environment, but the so-called geopolitical risks have receded and the price has been rising again until last year. I think investors have started moving along. "