The Superior Court of Justice of Navarra (TSJN) has confirmed the sentence of two years in prison and 1,620 euros of fine for fraud imposed on a woman who for 23 years collected at least 142,027.51 euros of her mother's pension, deceased.

In the judgment, which can be appealed to the Supreme Court, the TSJN ratifies both the compensation imposed on the defendant , which must be reimbursed to the National Social Security Institute (INSS) 90,713.23 euros, as the declaration of CaixaBank as civil responsible subsidiary.

The defendant, MCGR, was co-owner of a current account in CaixaBank together with her mother, who died in July 1992 and had recognized the right to collect an INSS pension since October 1, 1979.

From August 1992 to December 1996, the pension was satisfied by the INSS, although the exact amount received by the processed could not be ascertained as there were no automated files.

The defendant did not inform the aforementioned agency or the banking entity of the death of her mother, so she continued to receive the perception until September 2015.

Thus, between January 1997 and September 2015, he charged 142,027.51 euros , of which he returned to the bank 32,885.40, corresponding to the pensions paid between the months of November 2011 to 2015.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Supreme Court
  • society

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